Thanks to Hanson

Chapter Seven

"Thanks you guys. This has been the best birthday ever." She said. Then, surprising herself, she gave them each a kiss on the cheek and a hug, said goodbye, and left.

While the other two boys went back to what they were doing, Taylor stood in the middle of the room, his hand on his cheek where Jade had kissed him, gaping towards the doorway. Then he suddenly came back to life, and ran over to the bed, which was right near the window. He looked out.

Jade said goodnight to her dad and walked into her room. She didn’t even bother to turn on the light. She picked her PJ’s off the floor where she had left them that morning and put them on. She piled all her presents on the desk, promising herself she would look at them properly in the morning. Then she hopped into bed and put her head on the pillow.

"Yoowwwwwwww!" she shrieked. She had hit something hard with her head. Blindly feeling around, she found whatever it was. She was just about to chuck it across the room, when she decided it hadn’t been there this morning, which meant it was something new. She turned the side lamp on, and took a good look.

It was a small box, covered in tissue paper. She opened it. It turned out to be one of those boxes you put jewelry in. She opened the box. Inside was a silver chain, and on the end of it was a small crescent shaped, jade moon.

A note fell out of the box. She unfolded it and read it. Even though we may never be together, we’ll always be under the same moon and the same stars. Knowing you are here is enough for me. Love, Taylor. PS. Look out your window.

With tears running down her face, she looked out the window and saw Taylor’s face in their window. She called ‘Thank you’ and even though it was carried off in the wind, he saw her mouth it.

They both knew then that they felt the same way about each other. Carefully Jade fastened the chain around her neck, making a mental not to herself never to take it off.

The next morning when she went down for breakfast her father saw the necklace immediately. "Mmmm, where’d you get that from?" he asked. "Taylor gave it to me." she replied. "Very nice." He said, nodding his approval.

The same question was asked when Jade arrived at the Hanson basement that morning. Zac asked it. "A friend, a very good friend." replied Jade, winking at Taylor. Unfortunately, to Taylor’s embarrassment, Ike saw the wink.

"Oh I get it," he said. "Zac, are you thinking what I’m thinking?" to which Zac replied, "I think I am, B2!!" then he said. "Hang on, what are you thinking."

"Hang on Zac." Said Taylor. "Jade, will you go out with me?" He stuttered a bit, blushed a deep shade of beetroot, as most boys would, and then gave a nervous laugh.

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