Woodridge-related links

District profile: A few statistics

Roger's Home Page from Peninsula, Ohio. Personal page by Roger Riggins. Bonus link to the state coroner's association.

The Deluge: Undated snippet about a Woodridge band in a high school "rock off."

The Deluge: their own site

Wag's World: A current(?) student's personal page promises a Woodridge site soon.

The old school: Looking better than when you went there.

The old school, take 2: Sounding better, too.

Classmates.com: Registration site with crappy navigation but a handful of Woodridge entries

Ohio.com: the Beacon Journal online

Cuyahoga Falls News Press: Way more worthwhile if it had archives.

Unrelated links

Digital High: "Created by Silicon Valley teens for those who want to expand their minds."

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