The E-Mail from Miss. Cleo
Oh yes, the day every child hopes for. The thing children ask for at Christmastime on Santa's lap:
       "Gee whilikers, Santa! May I pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease have an e-mail from Miss. Cleo for Christmas?? It's all I ever wanted!!"
        " But Cindy, wouldn't you rather have a Tickle me Hitler doll??"
        " No, you #^&^$#&$#^& little #$^&*^#&$!! I $#&*^$#$&* want MISS. CLEO! :::bite:::"

Yes, the e-mail from Miss. Cleo. It came to me this gloomy day of August 23, 2001, at 9:17 PM Easter Standard time. I was browsing the internet for interesting things and chatting with me cohorts, when the familiar 'You've got mail!' chimed in. Expecting another boring slut/spam mail, I clicked the mailbox and gasped.
        There, addressed to ME, JADE, was indeed a spam mail, but not just any spam mail! This was an automated e-mail from MISS. CLEO HERSELF! I almost passed out with glee! But I have control of myself now.. and I have decided to share my sacred treasure with my loyal viewiers (all 100 and 70 something of them!!! WOOO we're rollin' now!) Here, for you to see.. is
Miss. Cleo's Spam mail.

Subj: Jade, it's a lucky thing I've been able to reach you.
Date:8/23/2001 7:11:16 PM Central Daylight Time (Miss Cleo)


Jade, I'm so very happy I am able to contact you.

My name is Cleo, and I am a Master Tarot Psychic. I had an exciting dream last night that could affect the rest of your life!

I was so moved by the dream, that I shared this with my psychic associates. With this knowledge our prediction powers have been heightened. I am asking you to call immediately and, if I am not available, you must speak to one of my gifted Tarot readers who will know how to use this knowledge to immediately change your future. It could be that exciting.

Jade, please call right now: 1-800-810-2146


I can't tell you too much here, but I will say that the experience will amaze you as much as it did me. There may be many wonderful things coming into your life very soon, in fact maybe in the next 10-14 days. You could be one very lucky person Jade!

It's not often that I get overwhelmed, especially through a dream, at the prospects of good fortune for people. So you can see why I am overjoyed about what the future holds for you. Jade, your life may drastically change for the better. Please call 1-800-810-2146 right now so I can share this joy with you.

BECAUSE I WANT THE BEST FOR YOU, I HAVE GONE AHEAD AND SET UP A FREE TRIAL READING WHEN YOU CALL. Remember, this call is free and so is your free trial reading.

With Love and Hope,

Miss Cleo

Must be 18+. For Entertainment Only.


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Wasn't that beautiful?
