

          The best improvement, by far was the instilation of the read disc brakes. The rotors are off a hunday tiberon, and the calipers are off a 89 Omni. They work great.


     I built a 6" over front beam with extended shock towers. I cut 2 beams 3" off center and welded the two long halves back together. then I cut off the original shock towers and fabed up a new set out of tube

          This pic shows the double spting plates I made. I took a old set of plates and cut the splined section. then I welded them to a good set of plates I had.

          Wile i had everything apart I put in a 6 rib transaxle and the sway a way bus to bug axle's

          Here is a good pic that shows how the 2 beams were cut off center and rewelded.

          I put in a CNC turning brake, a Jamar park lock and welded a new shifter box on top of the old one to line up with the 6 rib

           Besides showing how i beat up rims, if you look closely you can see weel studs I put in when I built the disc brakes

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