About my beliefs

I don't have what I consider a designated religion.  I like certain aspects of all religions, but as of yet, I have not found one religion that carries all of my values.  Not that I have stopped looking.  There are so many religions out there.

    I do not believe in 1 person or (god) being the creator of everything.  (Don't get mad here guys~~we all carry our own opinions)  I think that the universe was created by either fate or accident, and as we evolved, so did a spirit of sorts.  A very broad definition of what I mean to help you understand what I am saying is "Mother Nature".  She not only looks after the life of the world, now and to come.  She also grows stronger when people come together for a common good.  "Pray" is a good word for it.  All religions pray in one form or another.  "Mother Nature" (again, to use the broad general term) picks up on all of the spirit energy emitted and directs it where it is needed. Hence, a miracle occurs.

    Why do I reject the more common forms of religion available?  I just cannot picture a jealous god.  It also does not make sense to me to be told not to question my faith.  To me, questioning ourselves and our beliefs daily is what makes us strong in the faith we choose.  To not question our beliefs is to walk around blindly, with no real direction except that which is fed to us.  Therefore, anyone who has questioned there faith, and still feels strongly, or even more strongly about it, has made the right decision for themselves.
                                     "To thyne own self be true"
         I basically live my life finding the good in every person(with noted exceptions~~~hey, nobody is perfect =) ) and I love the world and all of its creatures.  I hope to be able to live my life through love, although some days it becomes very hard to stick to this simple task.

       Someday the world will be at relative peace, and we will have learned to get along with each other a whole lot better.  It is written in all that we do and strive for as a society and world.  We have come together to save the rain forest, cut down on pollution, help the homeless and starving, and in so many other ways I cannot list them all!!!  In all of these endeavors we have made remarkable headway.  Mother Nature will not let us destroy ourselves with hate and indifference.  She always has a way of making us prevail, and learn about ourselves and our world in the progress.  Remember this when you are watching the evening news and things look so grim~~look how far we have come.=)

    Please Email me with any input or questions that you may have!  I would love to here from you!  In the future I will be adding a section that will allow you to voice your opinions. jencat~                                                                                                                                                                                          


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