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Ways to give your spirit energy a free tune-up..........

It is very important for us (especially those in winter climates) to get our spirits energized now that the warm weather is here! I have put together some of my favorite sure fire ways to reconnect our body and soul to nature. Something most of us either think is not important, or we forget to do.

~hug a tree (careful who's watching Ü)~ ~walk barefoot in the grass~ ~have a picnic~ ~plant a garden~ ~talk to your favorite plant~ ~go to the park~ ~sit against a tree while reading a book~ ~take your loved one out for a night of star watching~ ~open your windows~ ~give your kids a hug~ ~smile at a stranger~ ~lay in the grass and look at the clouds~ ~feed the birds~ ~respect ALL living things~

will be bringing more about nature's connection to body mind and spirit

I will be bringing a lot of facts to this page regarding nature and earth based religion. please visit often as I will be updating my pages about once a week. thanks