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This is a classified document of the Klingon Defense Force Intelligence Central. The subjects below must NOT be revealed to others at for the safety of the Empire and your own. You are authorized only to read this report and your terminal is now registered in the Priority One Accessed Documents Intelligence Central. Any attempt of disclosing the information disposed here will be severely punished with imprisonment, dishonor and further inglorious death. |
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Recorded by Captain Rawk Lizarb Kao. Klingon Defense Force Registration Number: 9404149185/3956360060.4. Classified Permission: Priority Three. KDF 5.481/5. Mission Coordinator: Brigadier Kerla Vlaasak.
Mission Report - Stardate 8417.7: I'm now a Human, at least externally. My compromise with the Empire and its needs is what makes me firmly believe that I MUST think and behave as a Human. As a Klingon warrior it is difficult but the chemicals drugs and all the apparatus that made me look like a Human, help me to hold on. I now believe I can make myself easy among the Humans. It is necessary. For all that I have studied and learned from other warriors who performed similar missions and for what our Human prisoners could teach me, I think I can succeed.
![]() The Exchange of "prisoners"...
![]() The U.S.S. Natalia.
| Mission Report - Stardate 8423.2: I'm already in a Federation vessel called Natalia. The exchange of prisoners was done in space, in the Neutral Zone, watched by security ships from both sides.
This page was published in April - 1998. Updated in July 1999. Copyright 1998/99. Designed by Marcelo S. Carvalho.
The House of Kaos original graphics, images and text may not be copied or used without permission.
Klingon and all references to other Star Trek related terms are properties of Paramount Pictures. No infringement intended.