Why And How Selling Craft Patterns Is More Profitable Than Selling Individually Crafted Items
(Please note: for the ease of reading, this web page is quite long, since it contains the entire first chapter of the book. We suggest you print this web page to read your free chapter.)
What exactly does it take to make and sell your crafts? Be honest with yourself... consider everything you have invested including your time, your energy, and your money, to accomplish all the tasks of gathering materials, creating each product, packaging it, advertising it, marketing it, and selling it. Consider everything else you ignore and give up just to hang on to the hope that with enough focus, you can turn your passion into a successful moneymaking venture.
In the creation of the crafted item alone, you spend your time to decide upon a craft item to make. Then you spend your time and your money to search for and acquire the supplies. Sometimes you get them at a good price, sometimes you don’t. You spend your time and energy making a place in your home to store your supplies and work on your crafts. And after you’ve spent the time creating your crafts, then there’s the cleaning up and putting things away. And you do this every time you set out to make a craft product, over and over again.
You spend your time and energy making each craft one at a time, even if you are using the “conveyor belt” method. You may have streamlined your assembly method to the point where you save much time in the construction of your crafts, but you still end up with individually crafted items which you in turn sell for a price.. at least most of the time. And you only receive one payment for each individual crafted item that you create, one time.
If you are making crafts for the sheer enjoyment and creative outlet of it, that is fine. But then, if you were, you wouldn’t be in business, or trying to start one. You’d simply be making one of everything you love for yourself, and maybe another or two as gifts. Chances are, if you’ve decided to sell your crafts, and you’ve been in business for any length of time, you’ve already come to the realization that the bottom line in any successful business is profits. Without profits, what you do is only a hobby.
With profits, you are a businessperson who must tend to the more tactical but less creative task of making decisions which affect your bottom line... your profits. No longer is the poetic romance of the joy of crafting your only concern... after all, if you want to support your habit, you’ve got to make it (at the very least) pay for itself!
If you are successful enough in that you have a booming business selling your crafts, that’s wonderful! You have some marketing skills and a business sense. You already know what you want, and don’t need to be convinced of the advantages of working from home.
If you have a booming business, and you are working full time making your crafts, that’s wonderful too! You are one of the lucky few who are disciplined enough to work from home with the luxury of working your own hours, and actually make a living at it. That is a blessing in itself, but is that all you want? What about more money for less time and energy spent, and more time and money to spend on yourself and your family?
You see, even if you are one of those lucky few, you are still stuck in a rut... you are still exchanging one chunk of time for one set amount of money. And you will only grow financially in direct proportion to how many chunks of time you are willing to work. All you really have is a regular job that you do at home. As the saying goes, “if you keep doing what you’ve been doing up to now, you’ll keep having what you’ve already got”. Where do you want to be five years from now?
No matter what you do, you will still have to work a specific amount of time to create a specific amount of crafts to sell for a specific amount of money. And if you want to make more money next week, you’ll have to work again next week the same specific amount of time to make the same amount of crafts for only that same amount of money. In other words, to make more money, you have to work more. (And that doesn’t count the time you spend marketing your crafts ... whether it be in advertising, at local shops or shows, or flea markets or sales.)
The fact is, you invest a lot of time into the creation and sale of your crafts. The problem is, you have to keep doing it over and over again in order to continue getting any kind of financial gain from it. The question is, exactly how many chunks of time are you willing to work, over and over again, in order to simply maintain what you have now? Are you willing to invest all of your waking hours focusing on your creative outlet, to the point of exhaustion and dissatisfaction with the pressure to create? When it stops being fun, it’s not fun anymore!
The solution is, there is a better way. There is a way to create for yourself more time to spend on yourself and the ones you love, and more money to spend when you are enjoying that time. There is a way to enjoy the creativity within you once again, and keep for yourself all the great things you make! Wouldn’t it be better to spend all the time and energy it takes to make money just once , and then set up a system whereby you can easily reproduce what you’ve done, selling it over and over again, even while you sleep?
There is a way to make use of your talents so that you can reap the rewards of a repetitive income... an income which you spend a specific amount of time on to set up a stream of cash flowing in, and then you relax while the sales keep coming and coming, with some - but comparitively little - further effort from you. Do this same step a few times over, and you can see how you can be setting up your income for life!
It is predicted that by the year 2000 over 80% of the households in the United States will harbor a home business of some sort. More and more folks are turning to their own resources to create their living. In so doing, many entrepreneurs are discovering the modern day battle cry “work smarter, not harder” is a good idea.
In an effort to generate as much profit as possible as a result of as little effort as possible, many entrepreneurs are looking for and finding ways to set up a duplicatable system of operation to produce a large amount of product or service for as little time and money spent as possible. Then, they are discovering ways to market their product or service which will reach more people more of the time for the least amount of money. And like any other entrepreneur out there, your crafting business can be set up in the same way.
It has been said we are in the “information age”. The world we live in today is driven by information. The possession of information, which is easily duplicatable, is your key to creating for yourself the kind of business you want with the kind of income you want. It is your key to creating a business where you use your talent to do the hard work of designing and creating once, and then you use the information about how to do exactly what you did as the easily duplicatable and very marketable product which you earn a profit from. In other words, you sell your pattern.
As an experienced crafter, you have a certain value which is of interest to other crafters... you have a product which sells. The knowledge of how to create this product, either for it’s economic resale value, or for it’s pure enjoyment of creation and possession, is knowledge which is desireable to other crafters. Like any other business which sells it’s service, you can package that knowledge and earn a living from it. It takes comparatively no time at all to continually reproduce a pattern or catalog that you’ve already spent the time creating once. It takes no time at all to continue to reproduce and sell your catalog, or instruction booklet, or specialized knowledge, once you’ve made the initial investment in time and effort to write and create it.
It takes comparatively no time at all to continue to earn profits from a pattern or catalog or instructions you wrote and created last year, or the year before, or the year before that. It’s not that you won’t work... you’ll still spend time to market and promote your business and your products, but you’d have been doing that anyway with your crafts. When you create your product once - your pattern or catalog - and then simply duplicate it when you’ve made a sale, you cut your effort tremendously while still asking for and getting the same price you asked for originally.
Working in this way, smarter, not harder, leaves you with the time you long for... the time to invest in developing fresh and new ideas. The time to spend creating and keeping the wonderful things you make. The time to find and enjoy the romance in creating again! The time to spend with yourself, or your family. The time to spend marketing more of your products, and the time to spend creating more products to market.
You work hard to create the crafts you sell... and although you get paid for them, you also pay a big price in time and effort for that privledge. The secret to success of those in business today who know how to make the money where and when it is to be made, is the secret of knowing how to work smarter, and not harder, within their scope of expertise. The most successful entrepreneurs are those who love what they do as work. You know you will be successful in what you are doing when you are doing what you love. You know you have found your niche when you continually find a way to surround yourself with the things you are passionate about. If crafting is what you do, if it is what you feel a passion for, if it is your niche... you can use the same tactics as others to create for yourself the kind of rewarding business you deserve. The kind of business you are capable of! You can use the same tactics to generate the most income possible from your talent, using the least amount of effort!
With the right knowlege, with the right direction, with the right actions, you can turn your talent into an easily duplicatable product which can be set up to create a continuous stream of income. Repeat those steps... make more patterns and instructions... and you can see how it is possible to create multiple streams of income for your future.
In the following chapters of this book we will discuss at length the exact details of how to create, manufacture, produce and market, from home, your patterns, catalogs, and instruction booklets. Nothing is left out, it’s all there. You don’t need a computer, (but if you have one, we’ll tell you the best and most profitable way to use it), and you don’t need a truck-load of money to break your way into the direction you want to go - just the guts.
Everything is covered in this book ... manufacturing, test marketing, calculating costs and pricing, copyrighting, how to create the catalog, and how and where to market your products. You’ll learn how to get your first patterns (or instruction booklet or catalog) printed for free. You’ll learn what method of marketing will never bring you profits... so you don’t use it. You’ll learn how to protect your knowledge with a copyright, and where to get the forms. You’ll learn when selling your catalog may make you more money than your patterns, and how to take advantage of it. You’ll learn how to develop a local and a national mailing list, at low and no cost. You’ll learn how to advertise for free. You’ll learn how to generate the most income possible from your talent, in exchange for the least amount of effort!
If you are at all creative, (and what crafter isn’t?), you can do this. Other’s have done it. Look at their ads in the back of crafting and home decor magazines. Look at their catalogs. Granted, there’s more to doing it all than what you see, but that’s why this book is here for you. It really is easy to do... if you know how. Other’s have succeeded. If crafting is your passion, your comfort zone, then why not you? If I can do it... if they can do it... you can too! The choice is yours!
Chapter 2, “How To Turn Your Original Craft Design Into A Pattern You Can Sell From Your Home Based Business”, is on the next page.
Chapter 2 gives you the nuts-and-bolts details of exactly how to create a pattern you can sell, from designing, to manufacturing, and reproducing your patterns. What to print it on, what to put it in, and when to "move up" is included. You can do it all from your home! And find out how to get your first patterrns printed for FREE, as well as how to market them and get FREE advertising, in the rest of the book.
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