#101 How To Test Market Your Craft Products... Save money by testing before going into full swing production. Learn how many products you should start with, and why. The best place to market your particular product, be it a crafted item, a kit, or supplies.
#102 Calculating Your Cost And Pricing Your Product... Learn what to include when calculating the exact cost of your produt. Learn what records to keep for tax purposes. Learn how to markup your products for profits in both retail and wholesale marketing.
#103 All About Selling... Explains the difference between, and gives the advantages and disadvantages of, craft fairs, juried shows, flea mkt / fairs, and home shows. Advice on what markets to steer clear of. Indications of what will be required of to you participate in each market.
#104 Your Job As A Salesperson... Psychologists recognize 5 basic steps consumers go through before making a purchase. Learn what they are, and how to gently lead your prospect through and to a sale. Do’s and don’t’s while making a sale.
#105 All About Insurance... It’s purposes and advantages, as well as what companies are willing to insure the home crafter.
#106 Opening Your Own Shop At Home On A Shoestring... Your own at-home gift shop is not an impossibility! Learn what laws you need to comply with, where you can put your shop, and what your insurance and business requirements will be. Where to advertise, and how to stock your shop full to the rafters for pennies!
#107 Better Booth Displays... Simple guidelines for attractive and profitable displays in all markets.
#108 How To Get Free Advertising... Locally or nationally, it is possible to get more exposure than you can pay for. Learn how to boost your business in this way.
#109 Copyrighting... Explains what copyrighting is, and it’s advantages. How to copyright a craft or a kit.
#110 How To Wholesale To Shops... The proper two-step procedure for approaching a shop owner. What to bring with you the first time out, and how to conduct your follow up.
#111 Selling Through Home Parties Is Easy... Where to begin, how to run one, what you will need, what you can expect, what to offer the hostess.
#112 Running A Home Craft Show... Covers selecting participants, timing, display, pricing, record keeping, and the day of the show.
#113 Fresh Sources Of Ideas For Desiging Your Crafts... (Please Note: For A Limited Time, This Report Is Posted Online FREE On This Site.) Basics of how and where to get your ideas for designing original craft products, including some unconventional paths for designing an almost sure seller before you start!
#114 CRAFT REPORT SPECIAL!! Choose any 12 reports and receive a 20% discount!
#115 The Secret To Really Making Money With Crafts: HOW TO MAKE AND SELL YOUR OWN PATTERNS FOR MORE CRAFTING PROFITS! This 61 page book tells you how to create and market your own patterns, catalogs, and instruction booklets from home, without a computer. (If you do have one, we’ll tell you the best way to make your products with it...)
If it makes more sense to you to create a craft pattern just once, then reproduce and sell it over and over again for a repetitive income - instead of investing your time and money making one craft product at a time, and being paid for each one only once, then you will definitely want this book!
Everything is covered from manufacturing, (it even tells you how to get your first patterns printed for FREE!), to test marketing, where to get FREE advertising, how to develop mailing lists for FREE, how to calculate the cost and price your pattern, how and why to copyright a pattern, catalog, or instruction booklet, and how to create your own catalogs. Includes a discussion on easy options for finding the money to start.
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