Clearing & Cleansing Crystals

So now you have your crystals! Or perhaps you have been working with your crystals for a while, and want to clear and recharge them.How do you do this? Are all crystals cleared in the same way?

As a general rule, crystals should be cleared/cleansed before use. Crystals retain energy, from being handled by people and from their surroundings. Some of this energy may be negative, and if you don't clear the energy out you may absorb it yourself. Also, any energy work that you do with the crystal is not going to be as effective.

There are many ways that crystals can be cleared - through the use of water, sunlight, moonlight, burying in the earth, using salt/salt water, smudging and visualization.

The temperature of the water used should be tepid - extremes of hot or cold can cause the crystals to crack and break apart. Any of the *softer* crystals, such as Selenite and Halite should not be placed in water, as they can be damaged to the point that they will disintegrate.

I would place the crystals in the water for 24 to 48 hours. This can be combined with placing them in sunlight or in moonlight. Or you can hold them under running water for a short time, visualizing all of the negative energies leaving the crystal and going into mother earth to be changed into positive energy. You can do the same thing in nature at the beach, in a stream or under a waterfall. Allow the crystal to dry naturally - on a cloth placed either in sunlight or moonlight.

There are several things that need to be considered before placing crystals in the sun.

1. Colored crystals, such as Amethyst, Rose Quartz,Aventurine, Aquamarine, Citrine, pink Apatite some Fluorites and Kunzite may lose their color in sunlight, but may be placed in the light of a full moon instead.

2. If you choose to place your crystals outside, rather than in a window sill, make sure that they are protected from predators (birds, dogs, cats etc) and are not in a place where they might be picked up and walked away with by another person.

3. Remember that clearing a crystal can remove energies/information that have been programed into it.

Some crystals are best cleared/cleansed in Moonlight. These include colored crystals, and crystals such as Moonstone and Mother of Pearl (yes - this is a shell, not a crystal per se :) ). Crystal spheres and other crystals that are used for scrying also fall into this category. Personally, I would use the light of the Full Moon, although any moon phase may be used. I leave my crystals out overnight - you may wish to leave yours for a longer time period. If you choose a longer time period - remember to take them in before the sun comes up and put them back out the next night! You may choose to place the crystals directly on the earth, or on a tree stump, or you may wish to place them in an open container or on a piece of cloth. Remember to protect them - to not leave them where they can be picked up by our winged or furry friends.

The same information goes for crystals that are being cleared by Sunlight. They may be placed in a container, on a cloth or directly on the earth or a tree stump. Take reasonable precautions that they won't be picked up and walked away with. I leave my crystals out for just one day - starting at sunup and ending at sundown. If you choose to leave yours out longer, you may wish to bring them in at night and take them out the next morning.

Earth Burial
Mother earth is a wonderful natural agent for cleansing crystals. The vibrations of the earth will cleanse your crystals of negativity and recharge them. Choose a place in your garden, or somewhere that you find to be both powerfull and peacefull. (As an aside - you may want to take precautions that the site will not be dug up by any neighborhood fur people.) If your crystal has been used for healing purposes and contains a great deal of negativity, be sure *not* to place the crystal near a living plant, or the life of the plant may be affected. I choose to leave my crystals for three days when using this method - you may choose to leave them longer. I would not use a shorter time period - especially with healing crystals.

Crystal Clusters
Clear quartz crystal clusters may also be used for clearing/cleansing purposes. Place the crystal needing cleansing/clearing on the crystal cluster, which may itself then be placed in either sunlight or moonlight. You may choose to leave the crystal on the cluster for a period of one to three days - or longer, depending on the amount of clearing needed. (Be kind to the crystal cluster - allow it to be cleared occasioinally also. )

Salt may be used dry or in a water solution. It is not the method of preference, and should be used with caution. If you choose to use dry salt (rock salt is preferable), place a cloth between the salt and the crystal. (Placing rock crystal in a crystal bowl, them placing a cloth with the crystals to be cleared upon it works well.) Salt water, especially used in sunlight, can distort the energy flow between the crystal and the water. The salt itself may also work its way into small cracks inthe crystal and cause damage. Alternatives are using ocean water (leaving the crystals where the waves can wash over them), or taking a bucket of ocean water home to place your crystals in. Timing is crucial here. You may want to leave your crystals anywhere from several hours to several days. The best way to know when to take them out is to pick them up and use your intuition as to whether they are cleared or not.

This is my alltime favorite method! Incense may be used, but I prefer burning herbs -either directly or as a smudge stick (herbs that have been bound into a bundle with string). The most commonly used herbs are sage, sweetgrass and ceder - alone or in combination. The crystals can be passed throught he smoke, or you may use a feather to fan the smoke over them. While you are smudging the crystals, focus your intent on clearing and recharging them.

Crystals are living energies, and will respond to the intent of the user. To use this method, hold your crystals, one at a time, in your left hand. Take several deep breaths to center yourself, and begin focusing on the crystal. Picture a bright white light surrounding it with peaceful energy. Feel the negativity leaving the crystal, flowing through you and into Mother Earth to be recharged. Listen to the crystal - it will tell you when it has been completely cleared.

Clearing/cleansing your crystals is honoring and respecting them as tools that have been given us by Great Spirit to aid us in our earthwalk. If you are unclear about how to clear a specific crystal, please take the time to call/visit your local crystal/metaphysical store and ask for advice.


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