Please take a seat here by the fire with me, and listen
to the soft whispers of dreamtime as the flames dance
before us. The whispers may be those of your intuitive
self - or they may be the soft nudgings of your Guides.
They are keys to your personal journey - listen to them
Dreamtime allows us to *problem solve*, to access areas
of our psyche not available during waking hours. Dreams
may simply come to us, or we may ask for them. In
whatever form they are, we need to remember that
everything in the dreamscape, everyone in the dreamscape,
are aspects of ourselves. Once we accept that, what
appears on the surface to be incongruity becomes a placed
lake reflecting our interior selves.
To ask for a dream, simply form a question about the area
that you are concerned with (i.e. "Should I ask for
a raise?" "Is this the right person for me?").
Keep the question short and specific. Ask the question in
your mind (or out loud, if you prefer), then go to sleep.
If you receive a dream that you do not understand, ask
for another dream to bring clarity. Our dreams clearly
reflect where we are in our daily lives, and as such they
offer us the solutions to our waking problems. Dreams are
an essential part of our emotional and physical health.
A good idea might be to keep a dream journal, and a pen
or pencil right by your bedside, so that if you wake, at
any time, you may write your dream down. Dreamtime
information leaves us quickly - our journals help us
retain the information so that we may review it if we
choose (and also keep track of any recurring dreams).
Recurring dreams are something that we need to pay
attention to and act on. In the act of writing the dream
down and looking at it, the understanding will come to us.
We will have retained the needed knowledge and can then
apply it in our lives.
The whispers in the Dreamtime speak of what we need to
know to interpret our own dreams - because they are
specific to us and our lives. Dreaming of buildings/rooms/structures
of any sort refers to the physical body.
Emotions in dreams are often symbolized by literal fire,
or by electricity in sudden forms, such as lightening
The atmosphere in the dream reflects the dreamers
emotions. Ask yourself how you *felt* in the dream - did
the surroundings make you happy ... sad ... angry? Was
the overall feeling one of a positive or a negative
Water in a dream indicates the dreamers spirituality, and/or
issues/views that are culturally induced.
The subconscious of the dreamer *is* the dream-maker.
Therefore - the dreamer has control over his/her dream if
they want to take it.
Look for the parts of the dream that you as the dreamer
are avoiding - this is what is in the reality of your
waking life - this is what you need to address.
The whispers are telling us that our dreams are meant to
come to us as guidance.
Literally - we may ask to meet our Guides or Angels in
our dreams, in the same manner that we may ask for dreams.
Crystal People
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