Spirit Guides


This is the gateway to your future. Enter,
and let the whispers speak to you.

Our Spirit Guides are with us for a specific purpose - to protect us from physical danger (the "feelings" that we experience without knowing why) and to connect us with the spiritual source of our lives. They are with us to help us heal, to help us learn and to guide us to our purpose in our individual life paths.

We all have Spirit Guides around us - some are there for our entire lives, some come for a specific time period or purpose. It is at times when our minds are most quiet (i.e. during meditation, during sleep or at those odd moments during the day) that our Angels and Guides make themselves felt most strongly.

We can ask our Spirit Guides to make themselves known to us. Before you go to sleep, ask your guides to introduce themselves to you in a dream. Simply ask the question, then go to sleep. You will receive a dream that will connect you with your guides. You may do this as often as you wish - if you do not remember the dreams at first, keep trying. Our guides are our number one link to Universal Consciousness.


Crystal People





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