Lutheran Peace Fellowship

Christian Peacemaking - Exploring Shalom
Lutheran Peace Fellowship

About LPF - Who we are and what we have to offer. LPF's Brochure

Appeal for a Decade for a Culture of Peace

Encouraging Shalom in the Congregation: a resource guide

Grow in Shalom with the 'Peace Deck!' - four sets of cards of brief quotes and leadership insights to encourage and support both experienced and emerging leaders.

Nonviolence: Cultivating the Way of Peace
Ways to nonviolence -overviews, activities and ideas for leaders.

The Path of Hope (Wall of Hope)
Over 100 peace and justice successes throughout history: Exhibit, activities, handouts, resources.
More than 600 churches and groups have found this helps inspire and encourage faithful action for justice and peace. Timeline of events: (pdf) (html) español Versión en español

Planning Lively, Empowering Peace Forums and Workshops

Peace Resources in Spanish español Recursos de Paz en Español

Shalom! Toward a More Effective, More Faithful Approach to Conflict and Violence - Our most popular essay explores a more faithful and effective approach to conflict and violence: it is an eye-opening overview, with annotated resource list.

The Gift, Power, and Challenge of Peace
Sermon, preached by Dr. Gerald O. Pedersen

The Global Spread of Active Nonviolence
by Richard Deats

What is Christian Peacemaking? - This popular activity explores the breadth and depth of the biblical vision of Shalom, peace, justice, community, wholeness. One to six session resource with additional questions and activities to build on or expand the impact of "Jesus’ Way of Shalom"
2 page version, 8 page version.
español¿Qué significa pacificación cristiana? - el papel de pacificador esta enraizado en nuestra experiencia de un Dios quien es paz, quien nos da paz, y quien nos llama a ser parte de la paz y la justicia.

Top Ten List (pdf, html)
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