Aja looked down on the piece of cloud she was standing on. Concentrate... she thought to herself... concentrate... concentrate... BOOM! A bolt of lightening was sent crashing down to Earth.

"See, Jashe? I told you I could do it, " Aja said smugly.

Jashe, a tall, lean boy one year older than Aja, frowned. "Some angel you turned out to be. You spend all your time trying to change the weather!"

"So what can I say?" Aja said, flipping her shoulder length, wavy brown hair. "I'm a natural."

"And modest, too," Jashe added. "Hey, did you get your results back from the test we took? You know, the one that determines... well..."

Aja frowned and sat down on the cloud. "No, "she told him. "I haven't. And it's been weeks. I'm dying of suspense!"

"Me, too," Jashe put in, and looked around. "I mean, it will decide whether we go up to Heaven... or..."


"Yeah, but you don't have to say it like that."

"Like what?" Aja demanded.

"Well, it just doesn't sound right..." Jashe looked uncomfortable.

"Who cares?" Aja said, laying down on the cloud.

"Uh-oh," Jashe whispered, pointing to a woman who was making her way toward the two. "It's the Old Mrs. Trence."

Aja hid her head in her hands. "I swear, that incident in the kitchen was TOTALLY not my fault! What could she want me for, now?"

"Aja?" Mrs. Trence asked when she had reached her. "I have some news for you."

Aja looked worriedly at Jashe. "Um, what is it?"

Mrs. Trence broke into a smile. "Congratulations! You've become an angel."

Aja gasped. "A-an angel? But how?"

Mrs. Trence waved her hand. "Let's just say your test scores were considerablly high. And as your duty as an angel, you've become someone's guardian."

"Whose?" Aja asked, interested.

Mrs. Trence looked down at the paper she was holding.



"You have become Taylor Hanson's guardian angel."

Chapter Two

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