This is the place where you can find the links to all of my stories. Read on!

This page hasn't been updated in awhile, mostly because of my vacation and I'm just now getting things organized. Someone also sent me this great idea-- a mailing list, where I would send an email out every time I updated chapters or added a new story. Please email me at if you would like to be part of that. Plus, look for a *new*, totally different story soon. You've never seen anything like this on my page!

Read my Disclaimer

I'm sorry this page, or none other has been updated in awhile. You don't know how much effort it takes me to get up and commit myself to doing something like this. It's fun, it truely is, but sometimes I just find myself getting bored. School is going to be starting really soon, and I'm going through a lot of changes to prepare myself for that. I haven't written more of ANY story as of now, so they're stuck where they are. I don't know if I'll be able to finish them... I've lost interest. I don't know how they should go. I don't really want to do more, because it takes so long to write, type up, and make pages for... and no one seems to care anyway... no one signs the guestbook, which really breaks my heart coz you can write anything in there and I wouldn't care, as long as you wrote something... no one's told me how to do HTML....I tried to make a webring but I screwed it up.... there are so many feelings running through my head right now I'm about to explode... I need to talk to someone but at the same time I know no one who I think would understand completely.... my penpal's never online, g-d, where is she... complain complain complain. Please email me, just talk I guess... don't ask questions about what I'm talking about tho coz I guarentee I'll never answer them... I still don't have a guitar... my parents piss me off so much... and I'm afraid I might turn out like them... I want to take a step in the direction I want my life to go in but at the same time I'm so scared to...thanks to everyone who is actually reading this, because even if you think I'm crazy you're probably right.

Angels From Above

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six


Chapter One

Do you have a story you'd like to post? Send it to me and I'll put it up! Or, send in the link.

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