"Ike! Hurry up!" Taylor Hanson yelled to his older brother. The sweet-looking blong teen wiped his forehead. Geez, when did it get so hot out? he wondered. Tay squinted. Was it a hallucination, or was there something coming out of the sky?

"I'm coming, Taylor," Ike panted. He was frantically pouring on speed, trying to catch up to his brother.

"When did you get so slow?" Tay asked. "You used to be able to beat me on rollerblades."

"Well, some of us grew up," Ike grumbled. "We don't have time for rollerblading anymore."

Tay rolled his eyes. "Sure, Ike, real grown up," he said, pointing to Ike's Bullwinkle shirt.

"Some of us happen to LIKE Bullwinkle," Isaac snapped.

Taylor stopped in the middle of the street, throwing his hands up in frustration. "What is it with you today? You've been sullen all morning."

Ike sighed. "I'm sorry, Tay. I'm just... well, frustrated, I guess. Here we are, on our way to another elementary school gig. Will we EVER make it?"

Taylor wasn't quite sure of what to say.


"So... hot," mumbled Tay, panting. He paused for a second, grabbing onto a stop sign for support. He frantically looked around for a street sign.

Sicamore Street. "Oooooh," Taylor moaned. There was still a mile to go, at least, and the heat... it was just so HOT...

"Tay?" Ike asked, concerned. "Are you alright? You don't look so good--"

Taylor put on a big smile. "See? I'm fine. Perfectly fine." With that, he pushed off in the direction of the elementary school where they were headed.

Ike shook his head. "Sometimes that boy is just too stubborn, even for me."

With one last sigh, Ike too pushed off, and headed after Taylor.It was going to be a LONG day.

Chapter Four
Chapter Two

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