I started this story on May 17, 1998, at somewhere around six o'clock. The reason I wrote it was because Kristen Connaughton wrote to me saying that she was making a collection of different author's stories, like the Taylight Zone. She wanted mine. She had two ideas, one was to write a story for any of Hanson's songs. Any of them. This started to cook ideas up in my head, and pretty soon I'd come up with this. This is sad, and I hope it suits it's purpose...to show people the reality of the nineties, and the unreality. This isn't real. It never happened. I hope to God it never does. Besides, as we know it right now, we can't clone Hitler. He's dead.

Chapter One: Strong Wills and Excellent Fighters
Chapter Two: Princess Aurora
Chapter Three: On Duty
Chapter Four: Fate Begins To Twist
Chapter Five: Deliberately Untitled
Chapter Six: I Told You I'd Come To You, Didn't I?
Chapter Seven: Until Death Do Us Part
Epilogue: The Calm After The Storm
Epilogue, Part II: Soldier

Copyright 1998, S. Madison

Mental Graffiti