Guild Quotes Page Two

It occurred to me as I was reading through my Gambit Limited Series (the first one) that I had neglected to put the Guild quotes from that series and from the Rogue LS here on this website. So that's what I'm doing right now. Many of the players are unnamed, but I'll make the distinction between thieves and assassins, and name names when possible. Enjoy!


*henri has broken into the mansion, undetected by all there except for remy*

REMY (holds a charged card against henri's throat, not recognizing him): Tsk! Tsk! Not good enough m'friend. No moves. Wouldn't want you to lose your head, neh?

HENRI: Put da card away, Remy! You still a thief I hope...not an assassin!

REMY (hugging his brother): Henri? HENRI! You son of a thief! It's been too long!

WOLVERINE (as he, Storm and Rogue arrive): Hate to break up the reunion, but your buddy broke through our security system, Cajun, and I wanna know how!

HENRI: Pah! Security!?!

REMY (addressing the X-Men): Everything's fine. Henri's a friend of mine from New Orleans.

ROGUE: Why didn't the Professor or Psylock pick 'im up telepathically? And how did you know he was here?

REMY: We all have our secrets, chere. Now 'scuse us...We need to catch up on old times. (He and Henri go onto the balcony to talk) Talk to me Henri.

HENRI: I came for you bro. It's the tithing time. The Guild...all of us...have to be there, together. Even you, hotheaded one. The stinkin' assassins be at it again.

REMY: But the peace?

HENRI: Broken. After your last trip down to the Big Easy, t'ings have been gettin' ugly. The stinkin' brudda o' ya wife has stirred t'ings up again.

REMY: Julien?! He's dead! I saw him die!

HENRI: Not all t'ings are as dey seem, bro. You know dat. Come home, Remy. It's family. Ain't nothin' more important than that!

*henri is suddenly shot with an arrow from somewhere in the dark around them*


HENRI: It's them, Remy--the Assassins Guild...they don't want the tithing to take're needed. You know deir ways...don't let dem get's ours...we've earned it...use what you know...find out what you don't!

REMY: What I knew of the Assassins died with Bella Donna, Henri. I'm sorry.

HENRI: Not all t'ings are as dey seem, bro. Go see for yourself...take me...home, Remy...

REMY: What do you mean, Henri? What about Bell--

HENRI (dying): Take me to our father...

REMY (whispers as the X-Men come out):

*meanwhile, under the streets of the french quarter the thieves guild high council is meeting*

JEAN-LUC: The tithe collector of our benefactress will soon arrive. The ceremony will commence tomorrow. All our families have been sent word to return with their tribute. For some, it will be the first tasting of the elixir. I propose that Remy LeBeau be permitted to accept it this year.

PIERRE (I think, since he's in the other books too): No disrespect, Jean-Luc, but Remy? He is young, brash, impulsive and not truly one of ours. Let us see if he even has the courtesy to honor his family with his presence.

JEAN-LUC: Let us see.

*remy chases the two assassins responsible for henri's death and fights with them in the woods outside salem center*

ASSASSIN #1: You will die, t'ief!

REMY: No. My brother had his life stolen by you, Assassin! You have broken a peace I sacrificed much to maintain. I won't be dying until I get answers! So let's finish this li'l game and I get what I want, eh? (he turns down into an alley and finds no assassins) Ah! Now we play hide-and-seek? (examines the door) Hmmm! Steel reinforced door...and a heavy duty lock. A formidable obstacle. (takes a toothpick out of a pocket)...if your pursuer was not a thief...and a mutant. Picking a lock was never so easy. If not so subtle! (opens the door after blowing the lock to smitheens) Are you waiting in the dark for me, Assassins? I'm coming.

*while remy fights the assassins, someone is watching in the shadows. his name is julien and he finally appears, much to remy's shock*

JULIEN: Bravo, Remy! You still fight more like an assassin than a t'ief! Which are you?

REMY: Julien? It can't be...I saw you--

JULIEN: Die, Remy? By your sword? Well, someone showed me death don't have to be forever! What say we finish our duel, Remy?

REMY: No, Julien...if it is truly you...killing you once was more than enough. The second time presents no challenge...and little profit! I don't know how, or why, you are still alive, but...(grabs a sword and slashes Julien with it)...this is for Henri!

JULIEN (jumping towards Remy and ultimately falling on the sword): NO! You won't be stealin' my honor again!

REMY: Julien--don't!

JULIEN (assisted by his assassins): Lookin' pale, Remy. Know that it is me, your wife's brother. You won't be killin' me again, mon ami. I am here to stay!

ASSASSIN: Julien, the portal is open...let's return!

JULIEN (as they leave): I've got a job to do, t'ief! For my sister, Remy. Bella Donna almost died because of you, but I've kept her alive. We assassins got the t'iefs got the life. It's time for us to have both! And I'll kill all the t'iefs to get it. For my sister. For me. For all assassins! Stay away from New Orleans, t'ief and stay away from my sister...or die with the rest of your stinkin' family!

REMY: Bella Donna? Alive?

*at the end of the first book, remy prepares to leave for home and rogue insists on going with him*


*remy has traveled to new orleans, and discovers for himself that bella donna is alive. he confronts the assassins while in her room*

REMY: ASSASSINS! Leave me with my wife, killers! Don't be makin' me take your lives!

ASSASSIN #1: No, t'ief, you be the intruder you'll do the dying!

REMY: Pah! For a long time I be hearin' that trash from the likes of you! Assassins always talkin' about killin' li'l ol' Remy LeBeau! Sayin' I ain't good enough to marry no assassin woman! 'Cept the woman, she wan' to marry me. Best of you never could take me in a fair fight! That's when I learned to fight none too fair! Nothin's changed, eh!

MARIUS: Everything's changed...Gambit! My beautiful daughter hovers near the edge of death because o fyou and your new comrades. Two of my children you have taken from me so...I will have the pleasure of taking your life is a duel of honor, sir! Pick up the sword, LeBeau.

REMY: Marius, I did not come here to duel with you--

MARIUS: Then you should not have come at all, son-in-law. No more words! Pick up the sword if you have any honor. Or don't you even have the honor of a thief? are not truly one of theirs, are you? You are just a mutant outsider picked up...or was it stolen..?When you were but a babe. An adopted thief! Pah! A dead thief!

REMY (finally having enough): All right. We fight then. But you should know that your son, Julien, is not dead. Last night, he and I fought after he had murdered my brother, Henri. The outcome was not to his advantage. But it was he who sent me down here...but warning me to stay away!

MARIUS: That thing is not my son! My son was a man of honor. You took his honor, and his life, away from him, thief! The creature which walks as my son walked would betray his family, his father, his guild! It is an abomination taht must be destroyed.

REMY (charging the pendent that hangs around Marius' neck): I didn't come here to argue about events of the past with my father-in-law. This Call off your killers, Marius. I have no desire to kill my father-in-law!

MARIUS (to the other assassins): Kill this honorless mutant thief...Now.

ROGUE (smashing through the window and helping remy): Pardon me fellas...but I don't take kindly to all this killin' talk! Gambit here is a team-mate o' mine... and even though he does tend to run off at the mouth...I like him the way he is--ALIVE! (she tosses two of the assassins out a window) Y'all take care now!

REMY: Rogue ma cherie, I asked you to stay out of dis!

ROGUE: Askin' ain't gettin' Remy! 'Sides, there seems to be more than enough o' this here little game for both of us!

REMY: M'sweet, as you recently pointed out t'me in the Danger Room...this is no game! Assassins always play for keeps! But fortunately so do thieves!

ROGUE: (finishing the battle) And X-Men!

REMY: Touche. (to Marius) I'll be takin' my wife now.

MARIUS: Now you steal my daughter, thief?! If you really want to save Bella Donna...then let her taste the precious elixir of the thieves.

REMY: Elixir? I don't know--

MARIUS: Do not insult me sir! We assassins have always known about it. Many have wanted it for ourselves but that is not to be. A pact was made long ago. We get the power. The thieves get the elixir of life.

ROGUE: Gambit what's he talkin' about?

REMY: Ol' wives tales and legends, Rogue. Nothin' more.

MARIUS: What? You don't want your mutant girlfriend to hear the truth, Remy? Perhaps it's time for all to know the truth! You nkow the elixir can save her! Take her to your guild father. A taste is all it would take. Save my daughter, Remy. Save your wife. Too much to ask, eh? Your secrets can't be shared outside the Guild? Or could you possibly betray your family for the life of one you promised to cherish in sickness and in health..? You would have to give up all claims to honor.

REMY: We'll be off now.

ROGUE: Let me take her, Gambit. It's a long way down.

REMY: sure? ROGUE: I'm sure.

MARIUS (calling after them): Do right by my daughter, LeBeau!

*they've been observed by julien and after they leave, he attacks his former family, killing many of those he used to call brother. he then confronts his marius*

JULIEN: Father, we will have words.

MARIUS: I am father to you no longer, killer! The day you came into this world is a blight on the memory of your dear mother. Put an end to my suffering...kill me now, Julien!

JULIEN: Father...your suffering is just beginning! You let him take my beloved sister...again? For this, killing you would be so easy. You and all the weak ones ho claim the name assassin. Time's come for our Guild to be renegotiatin' the old pacts. The powers and the life can be ours. Havin' had a taste of both...I want it all.

MARIUS (on the floor, having been knocked there by his son): You will fail, Julien! I will see to it.

JULIEN: You be doin' nothing, father! The elixir and Bella Donna will be mine! You won't be poisoning her mind against me no more. Bella Donna will sit by my side at the head of the NEW Assassins Guild! T'ink about that, father! De old ways be dead!

*meanwhile, the tithing ceremony has begun and in true gambit fashion, remy interrupts it with rogue by his side*

JEAN-LUC (offering the tithe to the Tithe Collector)...Long life. It is our pact.

TITHE COLLECTOR: It is your right. The elixir of life in exhange for the tithe, Jean-Luc LeBeau. By the grace of Candra, the benefactress, I give you the first vial--

REMY (interrupting the ceremony very, very loudly): FATHER! We will have words!

ROGUE: What's going on here, Sugah?

REMY: Family business Rogue. You do not have t'be here.

ROGUE: I'm not leavin' you on your own again.

JEAN-LUC (rather angry, of course): REMY! What have you done? The tithing ceremony...

TITHE COLLECTOR: over. Settle your business quickly, thieves, or the remaining elixir returns to Candra...and the pact is broken.

THIEF #1: He is gone!

THIEF #2: The elixir?

THIEF #1: You dare disrupt the ancient ceremony, Remy LeBeau?! For this you shall-- (numerous members of the thieves guild start to gang up on Remy)

JEAN-LUC: Enough. This is my son...we will speak. The ceremony will continue.

*a few moments later*

REMY: How many more are to die, father? Is not the death of your brother...enough? Must my wife too pay the price of ancient feuds? The elixir can save her. I want it.

JEAN-LUC (in quiet shock): Henri, dead?

PIERRE: NEVER! You will have nothing, Remy!

REMY (tossing Pierre into a wall): Pierre...I was talkin' to my father! (turns to Jean-Luc) The elixir, father..or would have have me turn assassin right here?

JEAN-LUC: It cannot be. Even if we had all three vials, I could not give any to an outsider.

REMY (charging some cards): Have it your way, father...

ROGUE (stopping him): GAMBIT! You don't want to do this, Remy. This isn't you.

REMY: Of course it's not, cherie. But then don't know me as well as you think you do! No one does! (he lets the cards fly and then readdresses his father) You all wrap yourselves in the ancient rituals, father...the old ways. Live beneath the streets like paupers...while you let the wealth slip through your fingers. You give everything away in exchange for long life. That is not living. My brother is dead. My wife will be saved. If my family will not help me with this...then I will do it myself. (he takes Bella Donna, they leave the room) Mourn the loss of two sons, Jean-Luc LeBeau.

PIERRE (to Jean-Luc): We need all three vials for the elixir to be complete. Remy cannot be allowed to betray us.

JEAN-LUC: I know.

*the tithe collector is attacked by julien and his assassins as well as the true traitor of the thieves guild*

TITHE COLLECTOR: What? Assassin, you dare?

JULIEN: Yeah, we dare, old man! Dare to be takin' what is ours by right of birth and the sweat of our brow!

TITHE COLLECTOR: You will never have--

JULIEN: We'll be havin' it all, Tithe Collector! You been givin' us the power to d the takin' for a lot of years now. So now we do what we be trained to do...kill...and take!

TITHE COLLECTOR: Why..? The pact..?

JULIEN: ...Ancient history!

PIERRE: For both guilds, Julien. United we have enough power and skills to take whatever we want...from whoever we want.

JULIEN: Dat right, Pierre! Even take from the Tithe Collector and the Benefactress herself.

TITHE COLLECTOR: Bold words. Words you, and the descendents of both guilds, will soon come to regret. The pact is ended. Suffer the consequences. (he disappears)

PIERRE: Stop him! The vial! He's...gone. The other two are useless without...

JULIEN: Don't worry, t'ief! You be stealin' the part of the elixir your guild has. That's why I paid you for it! I got the second right here. Now I'll just be trackin' him back to Paris to get the last. With all three vials the long life can be mine to give to the assassins. Weill will be havin' the power and the long life!

*meanwhile, remy leaves bella donna in rogue's care and goes back to the boudreaux mansion to speak with marius*

MARIUS: You return to a wounded man, Remy?

REMY: Sorry to see that, Marius, but...I need your help. Have information that can help me save Bell's life.

MARIUS: It will mean betraying your guild...your family.

REMY: I can live with it.


*remy travelled to paris to confront candra and get the elixir from her. she tells him that if he kills jean-luc, whom she has kidnapped, she will give him everything. they are interrupted by julien and his assassins*

JULIEN: What a pretty picture we got here, neh! I see Gambit beat me to you, but...he won't be winning the day! I want what is mine, witch! You gave me a taste of the elixir an' brought me back from the brink o'death. For dis, I stirred up all kinds of trouble for you. Now you be holdin' out onme. Give me the elixir!

CANDRA: I think not, Julien. I owe you nothing! Tithe Collector, destroy this rabble!

JULIEN: You lookin' to make me laugh, Candra? Your whippin' boy couldn't hold his own against us in New Orleans. What makes you think he can protect you now, heh?

TITHE COLLECTOR: Under Candra's orders, I allowed you to win that small skirmish in your backwater city, assassin. Now, my orders are quite different.

JULIEN: Well, you might be seein'...I still ain't too impressed. Kill him. Use the power the witch gave us to tear his heart out! But you, are mine! (he tries to strangle candra) Hard to use them powers of yours when your life is bein' squeezed out of you, ain't it? You never should be makin' promises to me that you had no intention of keeping. I'll come after you and all your kind...the Externals...I'll kill you all for what you've turned me into.

REMY: That's not way to be treatin' a lady, Julien. But I remember now--manners were never your strong suit.

JULIEN: If you knew how she has used our guilds, t'ief, you'd be helpin' me instead of fightin'.

REMY: Appears to me, you still lettin' her use us, Julien! Lettin' her use us to kill each other off now that she's got no more use for our kind. You and your renegades are still doin' her dirty work. Still livin' as slaves. Meanwhile she's got somethin' I need to be takin' back to your sister. Then the usin' goin' to be finished!

JULIEN: You won't have my sister, Remy! I'll save her! I'll protect her! She'll love me...her brother...ME! Just like it shoulda been, 'fore she met you!

REMY: You're sick, Julien.

JULIEN: Perhaps. But're about to be dead!

JEAN-LUC (waking up and moving to intercept Julien's attack on Remy, getting wounded in the process): REMY! NO!

REMY: FATHER! (kneeling by his father) Father...!

JEAN-LUC: Nice t'hear you still call me that, son. Do what you must to save your wife...

REMY: I will, father. Bella Donna and you will both live! (gets up and attacks Julien) It's over, Julien! You got a habit of takin' away too many ipmortant things from me. You challenged me to the duel that broke the' because of that, I had to leave New Orleans, my family...Belle! I won't be lettin' you get away with this stuff no more, boy! You say you want to help Belle, but all you've ever been interested YOURSELF! Back to the beginnin' all comes down to just you an' me, don't it?

JULIEN: I wouldn't have it any other way, thief!

REMY: You won't be walkin' out of here, Julien.

CANDRA: No, he won't.

JULIEN: What--?

*candra tosses julien out a window rather than have the two kill each other then remy and jean-luc go back to new orleans to new orleans. when they're gone, candra realizes remy stole the vial of elixir from her while he charmed her*

CANDRA: He stole the elixir straight from under my nose! And I let myself be charmed! Tithe Collector, follow them. Go to New Orleans. Spread the word among both guilds that Gambit has betrayed them all. I want him, his family, his mutant girlfriend, his wife--ALL DEAD!


*julien is waiting for pierre inside the church where the thieves go to worship*

JULIEN: Where are you, Pierre? One vial containing the elixir of life be not enough! You were to steal the other vial, you. The one you thieves got from the Tithe Collector. The deal was for you to be bringin' that one to me here. And then I will be huntin' down my sister's stinkin' tief of a husband--kill him and tear the final vial from his dead hands. Then I will have the long last. (remy makes a sudden, loud entrance) Wh--? Gambit!

REMY: RIght here beside you, Julien. And I'll be takin' what's mine. This is the last vial I be needin'. Your li'l friend, Pierre, sends his regrets, Julien. he won't be comin' tonight. I caught him as he was tryin' to steal the elixir from our own people. Believe me, they didn't like it none too much when they learned he betrayed our people to you.

JULIEN: NO! It can't be! I won't--

REMY: Hey I'm not givin' you much choice here!

JULIEN: No...please...I must have a taste of the elixir...just a taste...don't you see, I'll die without it!

REMY: Unfortunately for us'll continue to live, Julien. The elixir is for Bella Donna...your sister.

JULIEN (tearing off his mask and showing remy what he has become): NO! I won't live! I'm in pain! Look at me! This is what the elixir has done to me! Without it, I won't live another day!

REMY: No--! Julien, I--I didn't know.

JULIEN: Didn't you, thief? This is what the precious elixir can bring to you all.

*jean-luc is waiting outside and is soon joined by remy and julien*

JEAN-LUC: Gambit.

REMY: Father, I am glad you came. We need to talk.

JEAN-LUC: Talk? Is now the time or the place, Remy? we should be off before--

REMY: There can be no other time.

JEAN-LUC: No--Julien? The elixir..! Oh Lord...the elixir...

REMY: Then it is true? This...Julien's condition...could have been caused by the elixir of life?

JEAN-LUC: Yes. I have seen it happen before.

REMY: You knew about this danger?

JEAN-LUC: We have always known and accepted the risk, my son. Nothing comes without its price. And for a life longer than most humans could ever dream of...! Very few experience the side effect. They suffer...they crave more of the elixir to take away the heal them. It does no good. And--

REMY: And such "generosity" would take the precious fluid away from those of you who need it for long life? So you let them die.

JEAN-LUC: Yes. It is our greatest sin.

REMY: How can the loss of even a few of our guild...our worth the risk?

JEAN-LUC: Each makes their own decision. All risks are known before it even passes their lips. Few turn it down.

REMY: And now I must decide this fate for Bella Donna?! I must gamble with the life of the woman I loved--my own wife?!

JULIEN (begging): Please...Remy...just a would make such a difference...I would leave you then...I--

*they are interrupted by a loud explosion as the tithe collector, the thieves and the assassins who have come for remy*

TITHE COLLECTOR: Remy LeBeau! I, the Tithe Collector, stand here with assassin and thief alike. You have been labeled traitor to them and to Candra. Only the spilling of your treacherous blood will assauge her rage...and restore the sacred pact which you have willfully broken. Prepare to die, thief.

REMY (as the guilds open fire): Father, our guild stands at the side of the assassins against me. GET DOWN!! It looks like I be helpin' make some kind of peace between the guilds at last, heh? I've got no time for dis fight. Bella Donna's waitin'.

JEAN-LUC: Are you insane, son? You don't stand a chance in this city with both guilds hunting you down. Give our people the elixir...they'll stand by your side again.

REMY: Can't be doin' that, father! Bella Donna, she be needin' the elixir if she is to live...(he uses his powers to charge a huge statue) 'sides, I've got me a plan. Hopin' I can pull it off without killin' me...or too many others!

*remy blows the statue, sending it flying into the courtyard of the church. jean-luc addresses the tithe collector*

JEAN-LUC: My son is gone.

TITHE COLLECTOR: No. The common street rat will not escape me again.

JEAN-LUC: Maybe not...but he'll be givin' it a real good try, Tithe Collector.

TITHE COLLECTOR (to the guilds): Gambit must not survive the night! Kill him for the benefactress...Kill him for the pact.

*remy goes to his garden district home to give bella donna the elixir and ends up fighting with the guilds*

REMY (as the guilds come out of the shadows): Vite-vite, boys! Let's be gettin' this over with...I'm in a hurry! (they open fire on him) You know, dese days, I've got to be admittin' that assassins and t'ieves, they be lookin' a lot alike in the dark! More's the shame for my guild! More's the shame for my family! And more's the shame for me...for I once thought of you as brothers!

*inside the house, remy finds tante mattie and rogue unconscious at the hands of the tithe collector*

REMY: Tante Mattie!

TITHE COLLECTOR: Welcome home, thief! You didn't really expect to escape me did you? Candra's orders were that you were to suffer intensely so...which would you like to see die first, your former wife, or your mutant girlfriend?

REMY: Neither, lackey! I'll...(finds he's out of cards)

TITHE COLLECTOR: No cards left, impudent pup? If it's any solace, they wouldn't have helped you. This is a fight you never could have won. Now, watch your life, your loves, die, LeBeau! This time, I will be the thief...and steal the lives of your women before your eyes!'ll be permitted to follow.

ROGUE: Gambit...don't listen to him! Get away!

TITHE COLLECTOR (as Gambit grabs hold of the bottom of his long coat): Please, LeBeau...your groveling will have no effect on the outcome of this situation. I am totally without pity. So try to hold on to the last shred of your dignity.

REMY: I got hold o' my dignity...'mong other t'ings!

TITHE COLLECTOR: What...? My coat? What are you doing?

REMY: 'Pears my situation is improvin', heh?

TITHE COLLECTOR: The pact! The elixir! You cannot do this!

REMY: I can...and I did! (blows the Tithe Collector out the window) The pact is broken...candra never would have honored it again...the elixir is mine.

*as remy mixes the elixir, rogue tries to tell him that she involuntarily had skin-to-skin contact with bella donna but they're interrupted by the arrival of julien*

REMY: Rogue, whatever it is you're tryin' to say, it gotta wait. Elixirs has got to be mixed just right...I've never done it I'm only guessin'...I'm gambling with Belle's life here! Please--

JULIEN: The elixir is MINE, t'ief!

REMY: No, Julien! Your sister is goin' to live. Stay away...and maybe I can help you too.

JULIEN: Aren't you the generous one, LeBeau? But I've got the only blade this time and...I've got YOU! (his sword goes through remy's hand, destroying the last of the elixir in the process)

REMY: NO! The elixir! That was all of it, you idiot! Belle's last chance...and you destroyed it the same way you destroy everything you touch. Now's time for me to be doin' you a favor, Julien. Somethin I thought was finished long ago. Only this time I be making sure you STAY dead! The kindest thing I could do for Spillin' your blood ain' goin' to be helpin' anythin'...'specially not Belle. Let your own dark ways consume you.

ROGUE (as Julien moves to attack Remy from behind): REMY! WATCH OUT!

JULIEN: I'll be takin' you wit' me, t'ief! I'll--(he is cut off when he is shot five times from behind)

MARIUS (arriving with both guilds): It's finally over, son. You tried your best for my daughter, LeBeau. For that, I thank you.

REMY: No Marius, I failed you...and more importantly, I failed Bella Donna. (whispers) It is over, chere. Forgive me. (aloud, to the guilds) Thieves, Assassins...come finish what you came to do. The game's played out. The pact is broken. The power and life are gone forever. Kill me now...if you will.

CANDRA (suddenly appearing before them all): Such bravery from the traitor! Bravo, Gambit! Do you really expect them to give up all I have to offer them for your theatrical little act? An act from one who has always been a liar, a thief and a traitor...and always will be.

REMY: So Candra, the great gracin' us with her presence, guild members...maybe she be offerin' you a chance to restore the pact in exchange for my life. A chance to go back to livin' a life under her yoke. If that be the case...I'd rather be dyin' NOW! I may die a thief, but not the one my father and others of my family would have had me be. I'll not be stealin' only to turn over all my plunder to someone who holds my life on a string. I prefer to live and die by no whim but my own. (points to julien's dead body) There, Julien! He is the future that awaits you all! Take it if you will.

CANDRA: Assassins, kill him...kill all the thieves...and the pact will be restored. You will get both the power and the life.

MARIUS: No, Candra--we, too, are finished with the old ways. For too long we have allowed you to play one guild off the other. Your gifts mean nothing but death and despair for all who touch them. The assassins will be your pawns no longer! I have lost my children to you...I will not lose my guild...all the family I have left.

*moments later after candra has left*

JEAN-LUC: It is over, Remy. All the old ways died tonight. You will always be seen as the cause...for good or bad. Future generations of our family may see you as a saint, but for now...for the sake of a fragile peace...leave and never return to this our family! (he walks out the door) I love you, my son.


Quotes coming soon!