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  • Financial@Noologic.com
  • Intellect@Noologic.com
  • Arkdomes@Noologic.com
  • Corporate@Noologic.com
  • Media@Noologic.com
  • Individual@Noologic.com

    [Noos: from the ancient Greek for "mind";
    Logos: from the ancient Greek for "first";
    hence: “First Mind-Knowledge” in the "Period of Mind-Knowledge":
    ... "Metamorphic Transzone period: 1998 to 2012-AD.
  • "We're talking of a new man."
    "We are thought without form... all else is choice."
    ---(Delphic inscription; circa 500-bc)

    - Network Access Benefits -

    Those with access to the Noologic.com URL-code... have network access to these confidential special services:

      (1). ask any question you have on any subject at any level of focus... to 24 Dec 2012-AD... (send to: title of interest in grey column left).

      (2). you may request a personal or company "team proposal" for max NIV navigated projects/objectives with other members (or those you tell us you want to strategic ally (NOO SA) with)... we focus the deal and arrange it according to bestcase navigator moves and timeframes... (see: "Ark Projects" below)

      (3). full NLT coached programme access... (see: "Intellect" hypertext bottom)... with instant potentials for a STRESS-PROOF mind (desiged to feed on stress situations)... at the same time coaching moves you toward the ultimate state... Superconsciousness, satori or NOO_Logic state...

      (4). real-time access to the "Change Alert Programme"... 24hour/worldwide email advisory for a specific change to be made: (a) soon... (b) ASAP... (c) instant action

    | Ark Projects | Intellect | Architecture | Corporate | Media | Finance |
    © NOO_Logic Network, 1999 All Rights Reserved