People's Research Center Projects

E-Z Transplant Blocks
Reusable containers for starting seedling plants and trees

A Community Web Indexing System for Projects and Events

Solar Powered Stirling Generator
Plans and Designs for Experimental Stirling Engines

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The CGI script that makes this forum work is written in perl. a "FREE", "open source" programming language written by Larry Wall and subject to the GNU General Public License agreement.

That is... like a Land Trust or a Community Garden... nobody can claim the language, or programs derived from it as entirely their own and as I understand it, should make them available to others. The CGI script for these forums is currently very much a work in progress.

As I learn more perl the Program will be growing and expanding with this forum as more people use it and more functions are needed. My programming knowledge and skills will have to grow and expand to meet the need... hopefully I can keep up! any suggestions, advice or programming assistance from anyone reading this would be greatly appreciated.

You can find the (almost) current working part of the script, such as it is, here: source code Feel free to use it at your own risk.
