Carol Boulware, Ph.D
Los Angeles - Santa Monica & Redondo Beach, California

A Certified Sex Therapist helps with depression, anxiety, trauma, communication trauma, anger, and other sexual problems related to sexuality.
Marriage and relationship problems, and adults emotionally, physically or sexually abused as children cam also be helped by a Sex Therapist.Dr. Boulware has over 20 years counseling & psychology experience.
Sex Therapy and Relationship Counseling Services

Carol Boulware, Ph.D.
Board Certified Sex Therapist, American Board of Sexology,
Diplomate and Supervisor ,
American Board of Sexology,
Clinical Fellow - American Academy of Clinical Sexologists
Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist (MFC11632)
American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress-Member

 Dr. Boulware's

Sex Therapy 

Adult Survivors of
Child Abuse


EMDR Therapy


Power & Energy Therapy

Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety
Panic Attacks

Post - Traumatic Stress
Obsessive - Compulsive
Social Anxiety / Phobia

Psychology Books

Mental Health and Psychology Links

Favorite Quotes


Networking Links





















* Sex Therapy: For male erection difficulites, sexual dysfunction: pre-mature ejaculation, impotence, loss of sexual desire. Inability to reach orgasm. Sexual concerns in relation to infertility. Sexual enrichment. Enhancing sexual desire. Developing love making skills.

* Couples/Relationship Counseling: For marital or relationship difficulties, communication and anger problems, infidelity, divorce. Maritial betrayals, difficult divorces. Lack of intimacy or commitment. Communication Skills.

* Recovery from Sexual Trauma: For Adults emotionally, physically or sexually abused as children. Rape recovery, and PTSD. Overcoming sexual fears, anger and rage, vaginismus, sexual disgust, sexual addiction, sleep disturbances, nightmares, insomnia. Healing from sexual abuse.

* Gay and Lesbian Relationship Counseling: Specific issues related to gay and lesbian couples and individuals are treated.

  Do you have any of the following issues?
* Low interest in sex or low sexual desire?
* Difficulty relaxing and enjoy sex?
Problems getting and maintaining erections?
* Difficulty controlling ejaculations and timing?
* Difficulty reaching orgasm?
* Do you experience painful intercourse?
* Obsessive/Complusive thoughts about sex?
* Feeling guilty about sex, without knowing why?
* In a painful relationship and thinking about leaving?
* Were you physically or emotionally abused as a child?

  Do you experience any of the following emotions?
* Embarrassment- shame or guilt about or during sex
Self-blame, self-consciousness
* Chronic or excessive anger and/or sadness
* Indecisiveness or mental confusion
* Worry, anxiety, obsessive thinking
* Unpleasant feeling, mood swings
* Negativity, pessimism, irritability
If you can answer "Yes " to any of these questions, Sex Therapy and/or Relationship counseling could help you overcome these problems.

Dr. Boulware has been an Certified Sex Therapist and Relationship/Marriage Therapist for over 20 years and has extensive training and experience in specific sex therapy techniques and methods that are short-term, problem-focused and solution oriented.

The advantages of choosing a Certified Sex Therapist are:

-- specialized training in sexual dysfunction
-- comprehensive, evaluation and treatment
-- individualized, short-term, problem-focused treatment
-- the comfort of knowing your therapist is familiar with your sexual issues
-- solutions for individuals and couples
-- a caring and highly trained professional
-- a confidential, safe and supportive environment

Most people have sexual and relationship problems at one time or another in their lives.
Although the causes may vary widely, it is important to know that, whatever the cause,
sexual and relationship issues can be treated.

Some common sexual problems people seek therapy for are:

-- getting and maintaining an erection,
-- low sex drive
-- difficulty in achieving orgasm
-- sexual inhibition and guilt
-- intimacy-related problems, such as conflicts about sexual frequency or relationship commitment.

A healthy and satisfying sex life is an essential component of a balance and fulfilled life. Dr. Boulware uses a powerful blend of traditional and holistic sex therapy methods. These methods help you release negative emotions that block sexual desire, self-acceptance and the ability to achieve more intimate, satisfying, fun and passionate relationships.

For information about making an appointment

CALL (310) 395-3351

Day & Evening/Weekend Appointments - Insurance Billing

If you are interested in a Phone Consultation CLICK HERE FIRST


Carol Boulware, Ph.D.
Licensed Marriage, Family Therapist- #MFCT11632
Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress
ABS Certified Sex Therapist
EMDR - Level 2 - 1994

626 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 275
Los Angeles, California 90401
(310) 395-3351
Additional offices in Santa Monica & Redondo Beach

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Copyright ©1998 - Carol Boulware, Ph.D.