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The Titanic flooded and sinking
Jack and Rose trying to escape the flooding Titanic
Main title screen (picture at the top of the main page)
Collage of various Titanic Pictures
People climbing down the sides of the Titanic
Lifeboats escaping from the sinking Titanic
The sinking boat
Collage of Pictures with the words to "My Heart Will Go On" thanks to Marcos J. Garcia
Rose as an old lady talking to the explorers about Titanic
Main Title picture with no writing
The Titanic before leaving
Jack and Rose in a collage infront of the wreck of Titanic
Molly Brown and others in the lifeboat.
Casting form for movie extras
Cal sitting down
The OTHER titanic poster (r&j dancing etc)
An underwater view of the front of Titanic
People rushing to get off the Titanic
The side of Titanic
Titanic split in half
Titanic sinking with lights on
Life boats being lowered down from Titanic
Another view of the sinking Titanic
Another underwater image
Captain and Crew
The grand staircase
Titanic on the sea
Titanic just as it is leaving the dock
Rose's mum and her lady friends at tea
Bill Paxton
Everyone opening the safe looking for the HEart of the Ocean
Another pic of Rose as an old lady
Fabrizio playing poker
Rose, Cal and Ruth arriving at Southampton
The ghostly face of a doll lying within the Titanic wreck
Larger image of the "dancing" poster with a snowy edge
"My Heart Will Go On" Lyrics on top of the pic of Rose and Jack in the freezing water
Titanic steaming ahead into the sunset.>
Water flooding the grand staircase
Bruce Ismay talking with the Captain
Ruth and her lady friends attempting to escape Molly Brown
The men drinking whiskey and discussing politics
The Titanic at sea
Another view of Titanic sinking
Another underwater shot of the shipwreck
The Titanic broken in half
Titanic sinking, sending up flares
The Captain and co. looking out to sea
The front of Titanic completely under water
Life boats sinking on the sinking Titanic
And another underwater shot of the wreck
Top of Titanic in the air
The Titanic logo
A drawing of Titanic at sunrise
Little blue titanic word
The mother and her little girl at tea
Titanic at night
Celine Dion CD cover
Cora, her dad and her doll
After the iceberg hit
Mr Murdock watching the iceberg approach
The dolphins swimming at the front of Titanic
NB: As a lot of these pictures are taken from the OFFICIAL Titanic Site, it may be difficult to connect to some of them as that site is very busy. Just keep trying!
I was planning on replying to everyone who signs my guestbook but due to the unexpected popularity of my site it may be a tad difficult. I will if I get time though!
This page SHOULD be updated on regular intervals.
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All queries or comments should be directed to: kate@sidecar.com.auI AM NOT KATE WINSLET!(unfortunately)
Various Pictures on this site are taken from the Official Titanic Site and other pages found on the web.
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