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Rose trying to escape from the sinking ship
Rose sitting at dinner
Rose, before boarding the Titanic
Drawing Jack did of Rose (head only)
Rose (with Cal) talking with Mr Andrews
Rose, the first time Jack sees her, looking out at the water
Rose's mum dressing and talking to Rose
Cal holding Rose who seems angry/upset
Rose about to jump off Titanic
Close up of Rose wearing the Heart of the Ocean
Rose at dinner (in her blue outfit)
FULL drawing Jack did of Rose
Rose getting her picture drawn
Rose about to jump off the back of the Titanic..please note..this link has currently not been working. check back soon!
Birdseye view of Rose looking down at the water about to jump..please note..this link has currently not been working. check back soon!
Close up of Rose's face at dinner
Another one of Rose sitting in 3rd class wathing the dancing
Cal about to give Rose the Heart of the Ocean
Black and white pic of Rose in her boarding clothes
Rose (with her mother) following Cal aboard the Titanic
Cal talking to Rose who looks upset
Close up of Rose's face at dinner
Large close up of Rose's face in this oval shape.
James telling Kate something
Kate Winslet with a little boy on the set of Titanic
Rose writing her letter to Cal
The drawing of Rose lying on top of Jack's portfolio
Cal and Rose after he has just given her the "HEart of the Ocean"
Kate and James at the Oscars
Rose telling her mother that half the people on the ship were going to die
Old Rose looking at her picture
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All queries or comments should be directed to: kate@sidecar.com.auI AM NOT KATE WINSLET!(unfortunately)
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