OlympiaBranch Mountaineers

List of the Ten Essentials

In response to all of you who asked or who just needed a refresher, here's the official list from the Mountaineers:

  1. Extra clothing - more than needed in good weather
  2. Extra Food - enough so something is left over at the end of the trip
  3. Sunglasses
  4. Knife
  5. Firstarter
  6. First Aid Kit
  7. Matches in waterproof container
  8. Flashlight w/extra bulbs and batteries
  9. Map - the correct map!
  10. Compass - be sure to note the declination

Every hiker. whether alone or in a party carries these items on an individual basis. This is so that if a member of the party is separated, lost, injured, trapped, blinded in whiteout conditions, or going for help, no-one will be without their own survival equipment. There is no excuse for not having all of them, in good condition, on your person at all times while in the woods.

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The Olympia Branch Mountaineers
P.O. Box 797
Olympia, WA 98507
send me e-mail at