Progress of Another Pilgrim
                                                                                              June 21, 1978
The Seeker:
 Ah, the mercy of God!  I have been drowning in great waters (Ps. 107:23).  Out of the depths I called to Him, and He heard my voice, and reminded me again of His promises of redemption from all iniquity (Ps. 130).  He was there all the time, waiting, that He might be gracious unto me. Without spiritual understanding of my helplessness, I was staggering through unbelief – the one thing He has told me will limit my journey into Him. And I was unable to receive the gift of righteousness and abundance of grace.  Again, He has called me to return and rest.  By disabling me, He has enabled me to take fresh hold of His strength.  “Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord.”
 I see now – no, He never shrank from the cross.  His soul was troubled, yes, but He never drew back, because He saw the joy that was set before Him.  It is that perspective that swallows up death in victory.  I do not want to be an enemy of the Cross…  I will seek the perspective of suffering that discerns between the fellowship of His sufferings and the cry of the flesh, for it is a key to knowing Him (Life eternal!) and understanding His ways.  I will embrace my sufferings in fellowship with Him.
 What about the sufferings of Christ?  Do they include living a sinless life in a sinful world?  The hunger of Love that desires to give what is so often rejected because of blindness, unbelief, prideful independence, and contentment with “playing in the marketplace”, missing all of Reality beyond?  Bearing the burdens of others?  The restraint of “wearing the veil” and being misunderstood?  Loneliness?  He learned obedience by the things that He suffered.  So, too, as He shares with me His thoughts and feelings, I gain understanding of His will and learn obedience myself.
 The “harness” is on again, but it is not grievous and burdensome, but rather a great privilege, for I am learning of Him, and He gives me rest.  “With tenderness never known before, He makes His will my own” [from a song].  I am proving that His will is good and acceptable (to me, too!) and perfect.  To know spiritual principles with the mind is not enough; they must be spiritually apprehended.  Not until I have left the light of natural understanding and  gone into the darkness with Him, where He becomes my Light, can the eyes of my understanding be enlightened to see the mysteries of God Himself.  I will cherish this darkness!  I must be bold to let go of all but the blood of Jesus to pass through the veil.  This requires singleness of vision, wakening of the ear morning by morning, and willingness to respond only to Him.  I step into the Light by holding fast the profession of my faith without wavering.  The assault against my faith is violent in the darkness, because the powers of darkness are there, too, and the flesh is weak.  But I walk with One Who is already Victor, against Whom there is no power, for all power is given unto Him.  I walk with Him, and by His Life.  It is no longer I, but I in Him, and He in me.  As He is, so am I in this world – therefore in it, but not of it.
 “And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel…” (Is. 45).  “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those which are revealed belong unto us…” (Deut. 29:29).
 Through my time with you [the Singer], He has lifted and enlarged my vision, challenged my hope, and strengthened  my faith.  I seek a pure heart to replace my deceitfully wicked one; He has promised a new heart.  I seek singleness of vision to see Him only.  We are caring for a young robin, and I have observed how its head remains still even while its body is moved.  It must be because its eye is focused.  I would be like that!  I seek that singleness of vision, to see only Him.  When the phone rang while I was with you, I dreaded the interruption of the intensity of our conversation.  But you gave no indication of even having heard that phone ring!  What an example of unresponsiveness to all else, and obedience to Him!  I will listen for His Voice, not responding to doubts and condemnation, and trusting Him to keep me from error.
 He takes me into the depths that I may have a deeper understanding of my helplessness, a greater comprehension of His glory.  When I thus see my relationship to my Creator, and realize that His great Love woos me to also be His bride and share His Life intimately – ah, no praise is enough…!  Then, with joyful abandon, I cast down at His feet my thoughts and plans, my hopes and expectations, my pleasures and desires.  I have been willing for Him to take them; now I give them with joy.  And now there is rest indeed, because now I wait for His initiative.  Not for anything would I knowingly stir myself up nor allow myself to be stirred other than by Him.
 This is not a one-time lesson, but rather a way from faith to faith, grace to grace, glory to glory, and strength to strength.  When I see His Glory, then can I with patience wait for it, for I would not hurry the Hand of God, lest I lose something and it cause me to stumble later on.  This is a contentment with my present level of maturity, for maturing is a process of growth.  If He is content with His workmanship thus far, so shall I be.  Nor would I expect of myself that which He does not.  The implications of this are deep, to a restoration of that which the worms and locusts ate in my childhood.  It affects all my human relationships.
 And where does this way lead?  To perfection – in this life?  We have the Sadducees in our day, too, who do not believe in the resurrection.  This philosophy of denying resurrection in this life, as well as the pharisaical philosophy of works and righteousness of self, have, in fact, raised the fundamental question in my mind by which God has drawn me to seek Him, and my double-mindedness toward it has been the basic cause of inner conflict and unrest in my associations with other Christians.  What, then, is the meaning of His death, and what is the meaning of His life?  What, indeed, is the meaning of salvation, and what is His plan of redemption?  I will never forget the question [by the Singer], “WHO SAYS?”  It pierced me through and rings in my ears yet!  It was perhaps the most profound and penetrating challenge He set before me that day.  And its application is universal.
Where, indeed, does the Lord God indicate that anything less than perfection is what He desires for His own, even in this life?  How can anything less give glory to Perfect Holiness?  Unthinkable!  Is it impossible for Him to claim now what He has already won?  No! the limitation cannot be in Him!  Why, then, should I limit Him with my unbelief?  No, let it not be!  Rather, let me throw myself upon Him with my helpless cry – “Lord, I believe!  Help Thou my unbelief!”
“This is the will of God, even your sanctification” (I Thes. 4:3).  Surely He is not pleased with a half-done job!  No wonder He commanded the children of Israel to completely destroy their enemies.  He casts them out from before me, but He also says, “Destroy them!”  The battle is His, and yet we are to “labor to enter in”.  “… the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly” (Rom. 16:20).  “And they overcame Him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.”  They overcame him – partially?  “God hath called us unto holiness, Who hath also given unto us His Holy Spirit (I Thes. 4:7, 8).  “Walk worthy of God Who hath called you unto His kingdom and glory (I Thes. 2:12).  “And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you, to the end that He may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness toward God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with His saints” (I Thes. 3:12, 13).  “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Thes. 5:23).  “Faithful is He that calleth you, Who also will do it.”  Hallelujah!
Hallelujah!  What a freedom to have that settled!  Yet perfection itself is not my goal.  My hope is not in where He will take me, nor what He will do with me (or rather, what I understand He will do), but my hope is in Him!  My goal is not what I will accomplish, nor even what He will accomplish, but Him!  In all my seeking, I must never forget that He is the Prize!  But to know Him, I must be – or rather, be made – perfect!
Characteristic of the difference between how He worked in me before my experience of God’s Glory last spring and what He is doing now is something He said to me a couple weeks ago. For three weeks after that experience, I was constantly carried by His power while He gave me new vision of His Glory and the responsibility of bearing His Image, showed me the purpose of this valley where He would take me, exposed me to the dangers of the enemy and the flesh, required that I count the cost, and then asked if I was willing to follow on.  Even my pulse rate, usually 60, was almost continuously sustained at around 100, and I felt as if my chest would explode.  His Presence was so intense I thought I would not survive, and could not have endured it except for His grace—and I knew it.  I certainly understand the veil as a token of God’s mercy!  I have been attending “night school” for instruction and getting my practical experience during the day.  On one particular morning, feeling exhausted, I said, “Lord, I know that I can trust You to take care of my family today.”  “Yes, He answered quickly, but can you trust Me to enable you to care for them?”  And I saw – what He has done for me and in me before, He now wants to do through me.  Not I, but Christ...!
Sometimes there is so much I desire to share – but then the love of Christ constrains me to seek His Mind, and I don’t know what I desire until He reveals His will, for that is truly what I want.  As I gathered these thoughts today, I know they were for you, and I began to check my motive, because I would not send it unless I believe it to be of His initiative.  I knew He wanted me to write this today.  I cannot write unless He gives me expression.  I also know that I am free to never even speak to you again, much less write, should He so desire.  As I questioned, He reminded me of firstfruits.  Whether it be the expression of them, or the thoughts themselves, this is, in a sense, a firstfruit.  It is what has grown in my garden, but it is His fruit, and I offer it to Him in recognition that all I have has been given by Him.  I send it to you because the firstfruits are the privilege and right of the priests of the temple, and He has anointed you an intercessor for me.  Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, Who only doeth wondrous things; and blessed be His Glorious Name forever; and let the whole earth be filled with His Glory.
Amen and amen!