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Urbanization and the Future World
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Speedy population growth - Urban /rural division of countries - By 2030 in North America 84.6%, Latin America and the Caribbean 84.1%, Oceania 76.2%, Europe 80.6%, Asia 54.1%, Africa 52.6% population will live in urban cities ( As far as Asia urban inhabitant figure are concerned, these figures need to be re-evaluated as most of villages in India and China (which comprises 40% of world population) are empty as a result of intense migration to cities for seeking jobs. Major portion of migrants settle down in cities with families. By 2050, population raise to 9.149 billion as compared to present 6.908 billion. The indications are for daunting future.

World water reserves are drying up fast and booming populations, pollution and global warming will combine to cut the average person's water supply by a third in the next 20 years, the United Nations said. In my opinion, by 2029 nearly 3 billion inhabitants will face inadequate and polluted water supply. Intensity of global warming is causing melting mountains, shrinking rivers. Uncontrolled forest riddance is speeding earth water level drop. Annual losses of very dry forest total some 341,000 hectares (Forest fact by country Our land needs moisture through plants and forests to attract rain even barren lands are convertible to fertile lands by dumping natural fertilizers from nature’s decomposed waste provided we develop knowledge through better education system.   Most desired need of human creature to survive is escaping world attention. This lapse would once be the reason for rise of future death rate. 153,000 deaths per day would rise 2 to 4 times by 2029 due to shortage, contaminated water and food shortage. World has to unite together to store and reroute water.  Ancient roman science may be a way for world to reroute flood water to draught areas for social utility. Send flood or rain water to sea only after widespread usage. Sea water to human usage for cultivation and drinking is significant remedy to water crisis. (The seawater foundation). World urban cities would be most affected, (urban population growth, increasing 170,000 per day in developing countries. By 2025, there will be 4 times more urban dwellers living in the developing world than in the developed. 93 percent of urban population growth from 1995-2025 will occur in developing countries - United Nations Centre for Human Settlements).
Converting moisture from sea and land to water - in every cubic meter of air there are 11.5 milliliters of water.

Thirst For Water (watch slides)- This slideshow gives some interesting facts about the amount of water left on our earth and some details with regards to our over usage of the tiny amount of water we actually have! you may change your consumption after going through this!

Food price rises and Crisis!!!! - Urban related economic growth thrusts agricultural land conversion to cities and to accommodate urban population and industries. Over 20% of farm lands of developing countries have been converted to cities and buildings for the past decades and Over 50% of farmlands of villages (close to cities) got merged with cities so can accommodate growing urban population. Once upon a time Asian countries produced major global food grain requirement. Neglecting rural economy and urban based education system failed to attract young-generation towards farming. These young generation flooded urban cities in search of opportunities. Lack of rural and farming research reduced employment opportunities and reduced income from farm sector encouraged villagers leave land and settle down in cities is one of the major set back to agricultural sector. The International effort to arrange raises funds for agricultural sector unless land is apparently available for agriculture. Change in education pattern so to improve student’s taste towards agriculture and its research that includes animal farming. The Global Food Crisis click for view slides - "The world's 200 wealthiest people have as much money as about 40% of the global population, and yet 850 million people have to go to bed hungry every night." FOOD CRISIS- World Food consumption Comparison. click to view slides The World Food Crisis: Political and Economic Consequences and Needed Actions click to view slides - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stockholm September 22, 2008
Global population, estimates and projections (billions) - 25% of the world’s food production may become lost due to environmental breakdown by 2050 unless action is taken. Each day 200,000 more people are added to the world food demand. The world’s human population has increased near fourfold in the past 100 years (UN population Division, 2007); it is projected to increase from 6.7 billion (2006) to 9.2 billion by 2050. a net increase of nearly 230,000 new people each day, who will need housing, food and other natural resources. The largest population increase is projected to occur in Asia, particularly in China, India and Southeast Asia, accounting for about 60% and more of the world’s population by 2050. According to the latest UN estimates, almost all of the world’s population growth between 2000 and 2030 will be concentrated in urban areas in developing countries (Figure 32). By 2030, almost 60% of the people in developing countries will live in cities (FAO, 2003). If present trends continue, urban population will equal rural population by around 2017.
Estimated Remaining and converted grassland in percentage – In North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Oceania
Loss of Agricultural Land to Urbanization - Urbanization affects food production in two ways—by removing agricultural land from cultivation, as cities expand, and by reducing the number of family farms, as more farmers move to cities. The spread of cities alone consumes enormous tracts of farmland in much of the world. Between 1987 and 1992, for example, China lost close to one million hectares of farmland each year to urbanization and the expansion of roads and industries. The number of people living in urban areas of developing countries has risen from about 300 million in 1950 to about 1.7 billion today. The world's population, estimated by the UN to be 45% urban in 1995, is projected to be nearly 60% urban by 2015. By then, the urban population of the developing world will reach an estimated 4 billion.

Urban Housing and basic infrastructure services would be dodged. Crisis would deepen to the extent that poor people would be forced to live in tiny shacks and open streets. (As per UN-Habitat – Close to 3 billion people, or about 40% of the world population by 2030, will need to have housing and basic infrastructure services. This translates in to completing 96,150 housing units per day or 4000 per day). Nearly over 50-70% of agricultural lands and villages close to urban cities would be converted to cities. As a result of rising poverty rate slums too would reach to 60% in many urban cities of developing countries. People would find joint family system as better option to evade housing crisis.

Urbanization and diseases - Viswanathan name of my brother in law, 10 years back lived in New Delhi. He and his wife worked in private firm drawing good salary and leading comfortable life. Gloomy part of his life was that his wife and daughter were suffering disease of Asthma. Each change of season was hell for the family even doctors were not able to help only solution to them was the inhaler to breath properly. His life changed when he and his wife decided to shift from Delhi to undeveloped part of Navi Mumbai. Bought a house and began living realizing the cure for Asthma was change of the place. Luckily, his wife and daughter are healthy without sufferings. According to WHO estimates, 300 million people suffer from asthma and 255 000 people died of asthma in 2005. Urbanization has been associated with an increase in asthma. But the exact nature of this relationship is unclear.  Urbanization and the Impact of Emerging Disease on Amphibians (National Center For Environmental Research) - Urbanization and other forms of anthropogenic change have been linked with wildlife disease emergence, but the mechanisms underlying these patterns remain unknown in most cases. Recent work suggests that infection of Rana clamitans (green frogs) by echinostomes, a group of parasitic trematodes, is greater in urban as compared to rural wetlands in Northeastern Connecticut. Impacts of urbanization process on mental health - Urbanization is such a process that it leads to the growth of cities related to industrial and economic development. It also causes some changes in labor division and human behaviors. Besides, urbanization may cause problems such as stressful life events, poor social network, and rapid growth of cities because of immigration. All of these factors may negatively affect mental health, which makes it a prominent process that should not be neglected. The aim of this was to review the difficulties stemming from urbanization -an important problem for both urban people and immigrants- and its negative impacts on mental health. (Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 9:238-243). SWINE INFLUENZA - CURRENT EPIDEMIC - With the increase in global transport, as well as urbanization and overcrowded conditions, epidemics due the new influenza virus are likely to quickly take hold around the world. Currently the WHO has declared a phase 5 pandemic level for influenza H1N1. Excessive of urbanization is major reasons for diseases. Under prevailing circumstances new viruses and  diseases would increase death toll rate.

A situation is serious and would begin exploding from 2029 when population reaches 8 billion. Population would rise mainly in Africa, Eastern Europe and South and East Asia, where fundamentalism dominates the country and its population. Urban population would rise to 60%. Poverty by this time would reach to around 4 billion and over 65% of population in Asia, Africa, South America, and Eastern Europe would be infected. Even developed countries would not escape, they too would be affected. Uncontrollable migration of legal and illegal working force to these countries would become anarchy. These migrants would have strong hold in developed countries as their majority would rise. Massive unemployment and failure to generate jobs would reach 15-20% upsetting political stability in countries lead to social unrest and uprising similar to riots in France, South Africa, and South America, Australia. (my views)

The Biology of Earth in 2050 ( - Biology in 2050 can not be mentioned without also mentioning ecology, which is currently the most researched and respected field of ecology. Ever since people started paying attention to the fact that Earth was dying as result of human activity, people noticed that it was not just a matter of Earth's future but also the future of it's inhabitants.

The living planet: facts and figures (BBC) - If current trends continue two planets would be needed by 2050 to meet humanity's demands.

Climate change is expected to put almost 50 million additional people at risk of hunger by 2020 ( - To meet projected demand, cereal production will have to increase by nearly 50 per cent and meat production by 85 per cent from 2000 to 2030.

Viewpoints: The urban world in 2050 (BBC) - The world is fast approaching the point where the majority of the human population will be found in urban areas. An urban nightmare in less than 50 years' time is certainly what will engulf us on current trend.

The Nutrition Transition: Diet and Disease in the Developing World Nuy book - (Food Science and Technology) his book is a valuable documentation of the food and nutrition components of the most accelerated set of major transitions in human history.
Globalization and Health buy book - This book provides an analysis of the most serious global threats to health, the tools that can be used to evaluate them, and the international agencies established to respond to them.

Rural Migration and Urbanization
Rural Migration and Urbanization

negative positive factors and we
negative positive factors and we


Our action is by reaction, thus we don’t act rather we react