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NAME: Bailey Paver

WHAT'S IN A NAME: My mom named me Bailey after a chacter on her favorite saturday night show "Profiler". My middle name is quite more meaningful. My middle name is Paver named after the genus of the White Poppy flower which is Papaver somnifermun. Why the white poppy you ask, well 2 reasons really I often fall asleep in a split second and also because the white poppy is the sacered flower of the god Morpheus, the greek god of dreams, my middle name is in honor to him.

NICKNAMES: B, bail, little boy, baby boy and baliey boy.

BREEED AND COLOR: American shorthair tabby, I am white with blue/grey sections. Mom thinks that I am part russin blue but not forsure .

SEX: Nutered Male

BIRTHDAY: 05/05/00.


WEIGHT: 6.4 pounds (09/00).

TEMPERMENT: I am a very good kitty. I enjoy playing with the other cats and I am very content around other people and dogs. I am all around your adverage kitty.

WHAT I COULD WIN AN OSCAR FOR: It would have to be my bravery. Not many things scare me. I don't jump at a loud noise like the other cats.

MY FAVORITE SPOT: On top of the sofa and in the bed with mom and dad.

MY FAVORITE PAST TIME: Would have to be playing with Zeus, going to visit my doggie cousin Precious, and playing with dad at night while he "tries" to sleep.

MY HOUSEHOLD DUTIES INCLUDE: I have none I am just a kitten.

IN MY SPARE TIME: I like to hide the other cats favorite toys and I really like to ride over to my doggie couisin's house to play.

MY FAVORITE PURRSON: Truthflully I love mom and dad equal they both take time with me and they are both warm to sleep next to.

MY BIGGEST COMLAINT: I am not allowed to dig in the garbage to eat trash. I was a homeless kitty before I was adopted and grabage was often the best thing out there to eat.

THE OTHER CATS: Well there are 4 other kitties here besides me. Zeus is my closest pal, he has taken me on as his sidekick and is teaching me all the ropes. I think it is really cool of him to do so much for me. Then there is kitten she is also helping with any questions that I have about indoor living and having a family. Then there is Max, he is the oldest of the kitties here. Max does not like to paly with me but he surly enjoys having me around and I feel the same about him. Lastly there is Jessie, she and I have had our meetings but she is not very friendly to me ever, I blow it off though one day she will come around.


Cats In Company was a family started club that was ran by mom along with the other cats. The club has been haned over to new owners who were once our greatest member supporters as well as some of our very first members. The club is undergoing some renovations but still captres the spirt of the orginal CIC. I am proud to say that the family is on the Cats In Company Founder's List. A wonderful place to visit, a must see for all cats and cat lovers alike. Have a great time!!

Well that is all for now but I can say that the very first rainstorm that came along after I was adopted was when I relized that being adopted was the best thing to ever happen to me. No more cold, wet, hungry nights for this kitty. I am inside all the way, thanks Dad for bringing me home where I belong.

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