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NAME:     Jessie Bast

WHAT'S IN A NAME: Bast was a cat goddess who was worshiped in acient egypt. Mom says that Bast is still worshiped today by wiccans who follow egyptian systems (Goddess knows Bast has watched over us and kept us all safe a few times). Bast is believed to be the protector of cats and travel. Bast is usually shown in the form of a large black cat or sometimes a a woman with the head of a cat.

NICKNAMES: JJ, Jessie girl, Jessie Jess.

BREEED AND COLOR: American tabby tortiseshell calico. I am mostly red with brown stripes but I do have some cream color spots.

SEX: Spayed Female

BIRTHDAY:   04/03/94.


WEIGHT 11 pounds.

TEMPERMENT: I am generally loving cat toward people but I am not always nice to other cats. I usually want things my way or no way. I keep to myself most of the time. I still link to play with cat toys you know chasing and stuff.

WHAT I COULD WIN AN OSCAR FOR: I would be more likley to win a gold medal for my arcobatics. I like to climb, stand and walk on the tops of the doors. I also climb up the shuttered closet doors and stand on top of them when the doors are open.

MY FAVORITE SPOT: I would have to say that my favorite spot is on the top shelf of the bedroom closet. I climb the doors and get to the very top shelf where mom keeps all the folded blankets anyways no one can get to me when I sleep up there so I know I am safe. I also like sleeping on the sofa with mom or dad while they watch tv.

MY FAVORITE PAST TIME: Would have to be laying on mom's lap when she watches tv or is on the web. I also like to sleep on the pillow next to her head after dad leaves for work. I like to play with my stuffed bunny and play Midnight Crazies sometimes. (For non-cat owning people midnight crazies is when the cat runs throughout the house at a zooming speed of over 90 mph, over furniture, people, other cats,etc.! This usually happens when the people of the house are trying to sleep hence the term midnight.)

MY HOUSEHOLD DUTIES INCLUDE: waking everyone up as soon as that anoying loud alarm goes off, I lick their faces and arms until they rool out of bed.I am also in charge of alerting everyone when the food bowls become empty (mostly because of Zeus).

IN MY SPARE TIME: I like to chase cat toys, but spend most of my time sleeping on the sofa. In the morning when I get up I like to sit in the window and watch the birds and traffic go by.

MY FAVORITE PURRSON: I love my dad he is soft, warm and pets me, but mom is my favorite. Mom and I are close we share some knod of bind. We hang out together, she rubs my tummy, and lets me sleep on her all kinds of ways. She was the one who taught me how to rub on people to get petted more. Mom always said "use that tail to rub, and don't forget if people ignore you hit them in the face with that tail girl" Mom was right people seem to pet me when I hit them with my tail.

MY BIGGEST COMLAINT: My biggest compaint would have to be this one time a day feeding thing that mom has got us on. Mom feeds us a certain amount just in the morning. The problem with this method is that if Zeus gets to the bowls during the day he eats everything. We could solve it if she would just feed us 2 - 3 hours early everyday.

THE OTHER CATS: I live with three other cats. Max is my brother, Kitten and Zeus were adopted. I hate when they pick on me, but i can take care of myself I usually run to mom and tell on them so they get in trouble or hide where they can't reach me. Dad says that I can't fight but mom just says I am a lover not a fighter that is why I never defend myself, I like mom's defination better.


Cats In Company was a family started club that I ran along with the other cats and the help of mom. The club has been haned over to new owners who were once our greatest member supporters as well as some of our very first members. The club is undergoing some renovations but still captres the spirt of the orginal CIC. I am proud to say that I am now on the Cats In Company Founder's List as one of the founding members. While I worked there I held the very proud position of company President, as well as head of the Graphics Department. Go by and visit CIC it is a fun exciting and wonderful place to visit, a must see for all cats and cat lovers alike. Have a great time!!

I love my family and wouldn't give them up for a big bowl of chicken and gravy. Visit my page for as long as you like! HAVE A GREAT TIME!

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