Now, YOU, yes YOU, can win my fab-u-lous awards. Isn't that just GREAT! Yeah, I know... take a chill on the coffee... anyways... There are three different kinds of awards and there's a sample picture of each one. And underneath it are the qualifications for the award. Then if you keep scrolling further down after the samples and you'll see what you need to do to win.





Things You Should *Note*:

      • This site should have something to do with Oz, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, or any of the characters on BtVS.
      • I will send you a HTML code through e-mail, if I decide that you should win the award. This is true to all the awards.
      • It'd probably help your chances if you sign my book. But no, that is not a requirement. But it will ALMOST guarentee you a win.
      • Try to keep your site ORIGINAL. Like maybe you'll have the same info. that most pages have, but at least try to present it in a unique way.

If you take this award off this page... it's called STEALING

Things You Should *Note*:

      • This site should have something to with: Kenny Fisher, Can't Hardly Wait, or any of the characters in that movie.
      • It's probably help your chances if you sign the guestbook. But no, that is not a requirement. But it will ALMOST guarentee you a win.
      • Try to keep your site ORIGINAL! Keep it fun and interesting.
      • Try not to have to many broken links. This is true to all the awards.

If you take this award off this page... it's called STEALING

Things You Should *Note*:

      • This will most likely ONLY be given out to Seth Green sites, not BtVS or CHW sites, but if I think your page is that GOOD, then you might get this.
      • You can apply for this award but I am very picky about who wins this award. But hey... take a shot at it. You an submit your URL daily if you want to.
      • I have to like this site, and if I don't then you're out of luck. Sorry.
      • It would help to win this award if you put my banner on your page. Just go to my Banner Page to get the HTML and if you signed the book. Or did one of those things.


So I think that's all my awards for now. Just fill out this form and send it to me. If the form doesn't work, then just send me a E-Mail with your URL, name and name of your site and which award that you want. Out of common curtesy, I will try to send you a short e-mail about why you didn't win the award, if you do win then you'll recieve an e-mail with the HTML code for the banner. I guess that's it.

Fill Out This Form:

What is your name?

E-mail address:

What award do you want?

Have you or will you put a banner on your site:
Already Done No way Possibly
Anything else you want to tell me?

I'm pretty sure, that's it! Oh No! Wait a minute! Just to let you know, the images on this page will be altered a bit when you get them. Like they won't have the big ugly word SAMPLE on it and it will probably also, be either a bit smaller or a bit larger... i can't say for sure yet. On the ULTIMATE award, incase you can't read it, it says: Buffy and Willow can't stop talking about this site, THEN, Yo! You gosta check out this bomb diggity site yo! THEN, This site won the PRESTIGIOUS: THEN, ULTIMATE SETH GREEN SITE, awarded by kixiechic. Incase you can't read it with all those big SAMPLE's on it.

Bio. and Info.| Flicks, Films, Movies And More| Transcripts| Banners| Win My Award| Picture Gallery| Sounds-O-Seth| OZ| Buffy the Vampire Slayer| The Better Buffy Boy| Multimedia| Can't Hardly Wait| Links, Awards, Webrings: L.A.W|