~*Mar's Heavenly Page*~

Hey everyone! Okay so I know I havent updated in like 4ever BUT what can I say?
I'm a busy girl! So anyhoo since I'm totally sick I'm goin do an ultra update!
Yah I know your happy!! Maybe this page may even be half decent! Thats not a
promise BUT lets keep our fingers crossed okay!! lol

I need you tonight, I need you right now, I know deep within my heart, it doesn't matter if it's wrong or right, cuz I see Heaven in Your Eyes... ~My Oh so Amazing Places~

  The Guys I Live For:
*~*Mar's Fav Quotes*~*:
Everything You Were DYING to know About me!:
My Fav Links:
Fun Stuff:
MORE Fun Stuff:
Instructions For Life:
My Dollies:
My Little Secret:
Things that Annoy Me AND Things I Love:
*~*The Love Test*~*:
Most Swoon-worthy guy:
The New Lee's BSB Chatroom:
here's me! Ain't I a knockout?!?! hehehehe

"The worst way to miss someone is to have them sitting beside you and knowing you can't have them"
~sigh~look at MY Nicky Carter! Isn't he the HOTTEST thing?!?!
5483 5433 86 843 3855378 367 843 3887347 722723
Live Life To The Fullest For The Future Is Scarce
~if Anyone is wondering where that's from, Nick Carter wrote it in his signing for the Millenium cd by none other than the Backstreet Boys~

SiGn My GuEsTbOoK aNd SlAmBoOk PlEaSeEeE!!!!

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~*~View My kickin SlamBook~*~
~*~Sign My Kickin SlamBook~*~
Betta watch out! Nick's guarding my page!! He's SOOOO damn fine!!!

Marianne has adopted Nick Carter! To adopt a Boy of your own Click Here!