When Donia was a little girl, she thought the wreath that hung as a "Welcome" sign on our front door said "Come on in and sit AND spell"! Oh, what fun that would be, huh? Sure would make the kids want to come home!!
Our kitchen is the very spot where Chase told us he was going to marry Jennifer ~ And where Laney's high chair now stands...waiting for her next visit to Grandma's....which leads me to our next room ~~> What kind of Grandma would I be without a special place for Laney?Go ahead and look in on her, but be sure to come back for cookies ~
Click the Angel-Baby to peek in Delaney's Room at Grandma's house ~ (but, if the baby's sleeping ... just hang out in this room a little longer, I have the coffee on as well as the tea kettle...and maybe some memories to share)
We've shared meals at this table, over the years, with Katie's Cabbage Patch dolls as well as her real-life shar-pei, Humphrey , who sat up on a chair, straight and tall, like a real little man...just wanting to be part of the family! "K-a-t-i-eeee....."
Well, the walls of this kitchen have stories to tell that I'm not even aware of, I'm sure. Do you want flavored cream in your coffee? I do know this has been the hub of numerous birthday parties, graduation parties, holiday parties, parties for no-reason, balloons, balloons, balloons.....our pantry has been overflowing, and empty...our lives have been overflowing...but I won't talk about the empty part of that right now...it's temporary. (Right?) That reminds me, I need to dust the cobwebs out of the hutch that displays my lighthouse collection ~ come on with me...
Ecclesiastes 3:1