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Bridge Homepage.
American Contract Bridge League (ACBL)
Australian Bridge Federation
British Bridge League
Canadian Bridge Federation
Canadian Junior Bridge
Capital District Bridge Association
- Encompasses an 11 county area of Upstate New York
Greater New York Bridge Association
- Organization overseeing, promoting and organizing bridge events in Unit 155 (the five
boroughs of New York City). There are more then 20 bridge clubs in the city!
Finlands Bridgeforbund
(The Bridge League of Finland)
Irish Bridge
Union (IBU)
Bridge Association of Ireland (CBAI)
Nederlandse Bridge Bond (Dutch
Bridge League)
Bridgeforbund (Norwegian Bridge Federation - in Norwegian)
Ireland Bridge Union (NIBU)
Portugese Bridge Federation
Swiss Bridge
World Bridge Federation
Karen's Bridge Library
The Bridge World
The Fifth Chair Foundation
Onedown's Bridge
- On-line bridge classes on the Web
The Laws
of Duplicate Contract Bridge 1997
- English Edition - Published by The English Bridge Union Ltd. by arrangement with The
Portland Club
The River
Uitgevers van Boeken 
Batsford Bridge -
Books by the world's top players and teachers.
The Bridge World
Bridge Today
Canadian Bridge Canadien
Post Mortem -
Publication of the Greater New York Bridge Association
The Bridge Companion
Beverly Bridge Club
Brantford Duplicate Bridge Club
Bridge Clubs
in Champaign-Urbana IL
Santalo Barcelona, Spain
Bridge Around Ottawa
Caltech Bridge Club
Double Bay
Bridge Centre Sydney, Australia
Bridge Studio
University Bridge Club
Manhattan Bridge Club
Blair High School Bridge Club Silver Spring, Maryland
Newcastle University Bridge
Ottawa Bridge Centre
Palo Alto ACBL Unit
Santa Clara Valley ACBL
Unit 507
Southern Arizona ACBL
District 17, Unit 356
Universiteit Antwerpen
Bridge Homepages 
Alex Wagner's
Bridge Page
Anna's Home Page
Diane Walker's World
Dre Ruigrok - in Dutch
Jim Loy
Moshe Lavi
Roger Boyar
Bridge Site
Tore Skoglund's
Bridge Arcade
Nog meer Bridgelinks !!
Bridge Software 
Convention Card
Program for Windows by Lee Edwards
Jim Loy's Software
- Based on Jim's 12-page article in the 11/96 issue of the ACBL Bulletin. Updated monthly.
Meadowlark Software
Meer Links
Bridge Odyssey -
Provided by Meadowlark Software
Great Bridge Links -
Sponsored by the Canadian Bridge Federation
The River
Nederlandse Bridge-pagina's
- District Groningen
- Bridge Federatie Regio Amsterdam
- District Midden Brabant
- District Maasland & Meierij
- Bridgeclub Amadeiro
- BC De Badgasten en BC Never Down
- Bridgeclub Bolsward
- Delftse Bridge Club
- Delftse Bridge Club
- BC Het Eiland Voorne
- Bridgeclub Ingooi
- Klavertje Elf
- BC Leidschenhage
- BC Maasland
- BCO Utrecht
- Dombo Utrecht
- BC Pegasus
- BC Schoppen Uil
- Bridgeclub Studiekring 1966
- Bridgeclub US Amsterdam
- UBC Utrecht
- Bridgecentrum Glazenburg
- Jos van Kan
- Herman van Ree
- Ron Vonck
- Andrew v.d. Windt
- Media

- Nederlandstalige Nieuwsgroep Bridge
- Bridge Plaza
- Engelstalige Nieuwsgroep Bridge
- Bridgeweb
- Bridge Internet Magazine BIM
- Teletekst
- The Bridge World (abbonneer je op gratis
eBridge World!)
- Overzichts pagina's
- Overzichtspagina met internationale
- Great Bridge Links
- The Bridge World Links, o.a.
On-Line Bridge
- World Wide
Bridge Resources
- The WorldWideWeb Bridge
- Bridge Odyssey
- Internet Bridge Archive
- Tournaments around the World
- Yahoo Bridge
- Buitenlandse Bridge Bonden
- World Bridge Federation
- American Contract Bridge League
- Clubs in de USA, Canada en
- Australian Bridge Federation
- British Bridge League
- Canadian Bridge Federation
- Danmarks Bridgeforbund
- English Bridge Union
- Fédération Française de Bridge
- Irish Bridge Union
- Israeli Bridge
- Österreichiser
- Federacao Portuguesa de Bridge
- Fédération Suisse de Bridge
- Sveriges Bridgeförbund
- Bridgesoftware

- Bridgesoft
- The WorldWideWeb Bridge
- Convention Card Editor versie 2.0 en 2.02 (Dos en
Windows versie)
- ACBL Convention Card Editor
(ook NL-versie)
- Bridge Hand Generator
- Bridgescorer
- On-line Bridge
Internet Gaming Zone Overige sites Bridge op Internet
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