U.S.A. Feng Shui Advisors

History of Feng Shui

Earlier man had long noted the seasonal changes of Earths climate, when they needed to calculate when the best time was to grow crops in order to feed its people. Evidence of this can be found throughout the world such places like Stonehenge, The Pyramids of Egypt, Temple of Tewanaco and elsewhere and developed into the calendar.

By understanding the seasonal and climatic changes on Earth, ancient Chinese Masters had knowledge of the orbiting planets particularly Jupiter and Saturn and their direct influence on Earths weather in the natural environment which they called Feng Shui.

Ancient Feng Shui masters understood that everything in the natural environment repeated itself in cycles and by studying these cycles they developed a complex system of astronomical calculations.

Feng Shui was originally used for burial sites to determine the best location on land to bury the dead. Because Feng Shui was a guarded secret between the Feng Shui Master and the Chinese Emperor the exact history dates have been lost in time. Feng Shui is believed to have developed around 25AD during the East Han Dynasty, evidence of writings have been found, but could actually be a lot older.

Why the Chinese Emperor and the Feng Shui Masters kept Feng Shui Knowledge a secret is still unclear. As time passed, Feng Shui has been used to determine the outcome of the occupants who reside on a property for better wealth, health and prosperity.

What is Feng Shui?

What Feng Shui is not

Feng Shui and Science

What is a Feng Shui Reading?

The correct Yin/Yang symbol

Do Feng Shui Consultants need a Lo-Pan?

Use of Mirrors, BaGua, crystals?

Feng Shui Remedies

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