Earth Medicine

The Medicine Path

I am always with you.
Call on me if you ever need me.
My love travels to you on the wind,
and we share one heart;
though we are many.
You shall always be my dearest of friends,
and I pray that our paths cross many times as we walk.
I am never gone; look in your heart;

I am there.

I believe that we are all related; we are all of Creators creations, and that our existence is interdependent on everything around us; our brothers and sisters who are winged, four-legs, two-legs, crawlers, and swimmers. We are also related to all that grows around us, as we have a profound impact on Mother Earth's well-being. Listen to the animals; the birds; the trees; the rocks.
Their stories help us to understand how important it is to walk in balance with our brothers and sisters. 

By learning to walk in balance with all around us, we make a good path as we go through life. Strive to let love be first in your heart. Be kind to all, and try to settle any dispute peacefully. Let others feel your positive force as your path crosses with others'.

Many times, people's paths will cross with ours. They will walk with us, and sometimes the journey may last many years; sometimes not as long as we would like it to. Meet as friends and part as friends.

The first step in walking the medicine path is to be able to get yourself balanced. Perhaps the hardest part is realizing that, no matter how hard, you must find it in your heart to love everyone.
Love must be unconditional.
It can have no strings attached.

We know in our innermost hearts that love is the strongest force there is; the most powerful emotion. How else can we explain the butterfly-in-the-stomach, shortness of breath feeling when someone special catches our eye and our heart; when tears well up when we learn that a dear friend is leaving?

When we experience an emotion as strong as love, or any other positive emotion, we leave a footprint in the place where we felt that emotion. Years later, you can return to that place where something happened, and all those emotions and memories come flooding back like ghosts. This is why, when we walk our path, we should leave good footprints, so that the positive feelings will always be there, for our memory, and for those who follow.



With each new sun that rises, pathways start beneath our feet

We know not how long the journey lasts,
or what travelers we'll meet


And though often times, we may feel frightened,
sad or on our own

If the path we walk is paved with love, we never walk alone


The trees will share their secrets, handed down from ages past

The morning dew, with love, caress the flower and the grass


The baby fawn will bend to touch her lips to flowing stream

These treasures all await you on the path, in day or dream


Show kindness to each living thing you meet along the way

And take to heart their stories as you walk from day to day


And though you may fall and stumble many times before the end

You can lean upon the shoulder of the stranger you call friend


Yes, the path unfolds before you every minute, every day

And your walk will last a lifetime, going off in every way


Have no fear of gathering storm clouds,
or the darkness of the night

You can rest from all your travels
when you reach eternal light

Let your heart song sing with gladness
to the mountains up above

May your path be filled with happiness and love.

Some of the following links pages are not uploaded yet.
Because of some wonderful growth in my own beliefs and spirituality these pages are going through a complete revision. I thank Creator for the visions and the teachers he has blessed me with while on my earth walk. Aho

The Medicine Wheel

The Standing People

The Stone People

Power Animals

Cherokee Story Teller



(We are all brothers and sisters)

"Many Spirits"

Many spirits speak to me
In hushed tones of things to be.
Listen to the spirits of the tree.
Man has taken
Man has sinned.
If you don't listen to the wind.
Mother Earth will strike again.
Don't forget the trees have spirits too.
Their protection is up to me and you..

Cry With The Sky

The sky will shed some tears tonight; her mood is much like mine.

It starts out with a drop or two and then, gets quite defined.

Thunder rumbles to my left with lightning bolts that shine;

Chasing darkness for a time; a way to true path find.

My centers off; I drum a beat; as the mind plays tune-

Knowing things are so unclear; I shoot far past the moon!

Frustration wells from deep within-I hope I catch on soon!

These lessons are so hard for me; I'd tell a friend or two

but, right now that isn't me-I dance with bird of blue.

Yet, the light inside does burn as I work to just get by -

So, for now, the wheel spins and with night sky I cry

Linda Brinkmeyer


This poem has no name, but was inspired by the Moon

My heart is open and she see's me dance
this wondrous Mother of my mum.
The site of Her creamy white surrounds
my mind and gives me ease to play
for her the give away.
I enter her with much to spare for she knows
for what I care. She knows me better than I know myself.
she cares for more than I know exists. she pulls at
my hair and takes away my cares before I even know she's there.
She is my healer my mother my Lover, sister and brother.
For when I open my heart I am as one.
It is like art. The art of loving and living is mine
again for that moment.
For you see I am human now and she is not.
She likes me this way and loves
me anyway when I forget to kiss her goodnight.
She is my lover and my friend.
She is the goddess in my dreams.
My healer in the sky.
She is my connection to the sky.
She is the one the mother of my mother.


Find a place of stillness

Where you can look upon the new day

And ask for Guidance.

Consider what you really want the day to bring

And ask that it might come to you

In a way you can recognize and accept.


Let us pray for enlightened visions so that we can use

all the wisdom that we have in us

To create a natural flow of existence

As we travel on this earth walk

Let us Awaken the peace of mind

that's dwells in our souls and light

the fire that lives within our being.....

Ruby Jean Rattlesnake


Time is a teacher, a healer, a friend....

Affording the chance to begin once again.....

Time is a whisper of laughter, embrace....

Grey hair and wrinkles that line youthful face....

Liken to winter; it cries cold and snow....

Fragrant spring blossoms from southern wind blows.

Summertime sustenance; bounty does make.....

Sleep in fall cycle - to dream; evaluate.....

Time is the twinkle of stars kissing sky....

lessons of passages; mortal wings fly......

Time is the meaning to all that we do;

Color filled canvas of yellow and blue....

Written by heartbeats in sync with the earth.....

Time is the death dance; the learning; rebirth.....

Time is the memory burned in our brain....

Scattered and fragmented; falling like rain....

Searching with mortal eyes wistful can be.....

wrapped in small packages, Time which is free.....



This page is dedicated to
"Runs With Wind"
May your spirit always walk along side me and guide me

To learn from the Elders Wisdom Words

Site Map

Because of the layout of this site,
there are many pages, sub-pages and links

To make it easier
to see exactly what is all here,
I have included a Site Map
through the Lodge.
If you get off the path during your journey,
just click on the site map.



©Danny Hahlbohm ~ used with permission
name of painting is "Like The Wind"

Mr. Hahlbohm would enjoy hearing from you if you use his art on your pages: