Messages From The Elders

Wakantanka niya waste pelo
(May The Great Holy Mystery Spirit bless you)

I know that I am Indian

There are things in life to ponder
questions we must ask~
But one thing I know is true
I am Indian at last

When I hear winds blowing
around all earthly things
And "hear" unheard voices
As all creation sings

I dare not question my connection
with the dusty plains
I feel the strength of Indian blood
flowing through my veins.

When I hear the drums beat steady
and view the eyes of pain
resulting from the going through
of many years of shame

I dare not question my connection
with those gone on before me
I feel their sadness and their grief
I am Indian, don't you see?

When I see the courage now
of those who walk this road
The strong commitment to the cause
the willingness to carry this load

I dare not question my connection
to the heart beats of native-kin
I feel their strength, our spirits fly
Together we will win

The thing that touches me the most
are the faces of the children
Brown skin, black hair,
you can tell that they are Indian

They question not the blood lines
They question what it means,
to be native in this world and face
struggles yet unseen

We must tell them everything
They must be told it all
To be native, means Creator "made"
so my child "Stand tall"

I dare not question my connection
to forces all around
Safe, secure, determined now
I AM INDIAN, and I am found!
~~© lytespirit~~12/15/00

When a man does a piece of work which is admired by all we say that it is
wonderful; but when we see the changes of day and night, the sun, the moon,
and the stars in the sky, and the changing seasons upon the earth, with their
ripening fruits, anyone must realize that it is the work of someone more
powerful than man.

Chased-by-Bears (1843-1915) Santee-Yanktonai Sioux

Arising from these teachings are the nine precepts
in the Code of Right Relations:

1 Speak only words of truth.
2 Speak only of the good qualities of others.
3 Be a confidant and carry no tales.
4 Turn aside the veil of anger to release the beauty inherent in all.
5 Honor the light in all. Compare nothing; see all for its such ness.
6 Respect all life; cut away ignorance from one’s own heart.
7 Neither kill nor harbor thoughts of angry nature,
which destroy peace like an arrow.
8 Do it now, if you see what needs done, do it. .......Dhyani Ywahoo

"One of the essential characteristics
we need to learn as men was to be gentle,
and to be gentle means
to be serene, to enter meditation or a
prayerful state in the morning and evening."

--Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA

The most important talk we can do during any day,
is to start the day with prayer and meditation.
We need to ask the Creator to be in our lives.
We ask Him to direct our thinking.
We ask Him for the courage and
the power to be gentle.
In the morning quiet time, we make our request
for guidance using our spiritual tools.
We pray for the people and we
pray for ourselves.
In the evening we thank the Creator for the day,
for the lessons and for the opportunity
to be of service to others.
Then we go to sleep.

Great Spirit,
today, show
me the power
of being


Stone one is the color white, the stone of the clear
conscience. It is when the mind and spirit is free as
it searches for knowledge. The child in us asks the
world why, where and when? The child does not see the
evil or good in an event, but only see the event.

Stone two is the color blue, the stone of creativity.
As we gain knowledge our spirits soar in a sky of
unlimited possibilities. We do not create with our
hands, but rather with our hearts. The hands are only
tools used by the heart, which can create beauty or
ugliness if we chose.

Stone three is the color red, the stone of wisdom and
fire. This can be a time of sharing, building and
harmony. Or, it can also corrupt and turn the soul
black with hatred and fear. We must seek the guidance
of the Great Spirit before we speak or take action.

Stone four is the color tan, the stone of remembrance.
What we leave behind for others is how we will be
remembered through the ages. Our children and our
children’s children will have the burden of our
actions and words. As we carry the stones of life,
place them gently in a circle on Mother earth so that
a warm fire will burn for all to see and be comforted.

StrongBearRedHeart © 2001

Just One Arrow
Oh the road is long and narrow,
And I'm down to just one arrow,
And my old paint, he can hardly stand.
You can point me toward the battle
Put me back up in my saddle,
It's time for me to take my own last stand.

I've been looking for a way to cross
the Rockies in my mind,
Trying' to decide about my own Great Divide.
There's a mighty Mississippi raging' somewhere in my soul,
I've got to cross this desert, before I reach my goal.

Oh the road is long and narrow,
And I'm down to just one arrow,
And my old paint, he can hardly stand.
You can point me toward the battle
Put me back up in my saddle,
It's time for me to take my own last stand.

John York

Winter Time

Duck Creek
> by Feet

> Pink dawn, snow, wind
> grey dusk, dark snow, wind
> first light, brisk, misty
> golden sunrise, glorious blue
> fire set, lavender, cold, crystal star glow
> stillness, cold, cold, colder.
> The power is down in the meadow
> enveloped in the morning's misty swirl
> wrapped in beauty.
> up and feeding now
> they wait out the endless winter
> on brown grass, sedge and willow
> as death rolls in with every storm.
> they teach us patience.


Elders Quotes

Warriors of the Rainbow

Site Map

Because of the layout of this site,
there are many pages, sub-pages and links

To make it easier
to see exactly what is all here,
I have included a Site Map
to help you on your journey
through the Lodge.
If you get off the path during your journey,
just click on the site map.


©Danny Hahlbohm ~ used with permission
name of painting is "Like The Wind"

Mr. Hahlbohm would enjoy hearing from you if you use his art on your pages: