Updated: 15 February 2003

Unless otherwise noted all listings are tombstone readings, and the information has not been provided by any official cemetery source.
It is offered here as a tool to promote further research and should not be considered as verified proof for genealogical records.

Dixon/Dinson/Van Wey Cemetery
(Dixson, Dison, Dinson)
6353 Genesee Street, about 5 miles from Bowmansville
Lancaster, Erie County, New York
1826 - 1907

Located on the south side of Genesee Street,
west of 6353 Genesee Street, about 3/10 of a mile east of Ransom Road and Genesee Street,
188' x 115' in size.

In memory of Mrs. Anna Brown, Wife of Thomas Brown, who died 6, April 1833, age 63 years.
Thomas Brown, Died 11 Jan. 1841, age 65 years [Anna].
Thomas Brown ΒΈ, Son of Thomas and Mary Brown, Died 17 July 1841 , age 2 yrs, 8 mo, 17 dys.
E.S.C. - Grave Marker
Esther A., wife of George W. Davis, Died 21 Aug 1864 , aged 99 years 8 mo 11 days.
James Dixon, Died 17 Aug 1847[8], age 84 years.
Margaret, Wife of James Dixon, Died Apr 12, 1842, age 55 years.
Zuur Andenken von Jacob Feldman, Gestort 6 Juli 1851, age 55[6] years.
Hier Ruhet, Wilhelm Gamer, Get 14 Aug 1826, Gest 25, Oct 1885.
Ernstina Louisa Gamer, Geb 14 Mar 1857, Gest 18 Mar 1857.
Abel Gay, Died June 12, 1852, age 69 year
Mary, Wife of Abel Gay, Died Sept. 20, 1862, age 72 year
Mary Ann, Only daughter of_____ and Mary, age 1 years [Abel and Mary Gay ]
Isack Friedrick Gorenflo, Gest 1868, Aged 61 years
Catharina Barbara Gorenflo, Geborg 1 Mai 1797, Gest 13 Oct 1878, aged 81 years
Asa Greenman , Died May 24, 1856, age 69 years 9 mo 8 d
Julius Hallet, Son of James and Ellen Greenman, Apr 22 1857.
Delilah, wife of Calet Harvey, Died July 10, 1849 [0/8], age 57 years.
Gerathna O., Daughter of T.L. and C. Harvey, 6 years 5 mo.
Calet Harvey, Died Oct 8, 1862, age 77 yrs.
Barbara Heinz, Died 7, July 1879, aged 62 years.
Richard Heinz, Died July 5, 1879, age 60 years.
Samuel Heinz, Geborg 5, Nov 1863, Gestg 12 Dec 1866
(Hand written note on papers - Civil War Veteran)
Old Section Directly In Rear Of Church
HEINTZ, Bernard - Civil war
Anna, Tochto von gustau of Elizabeth Hoffman, gest don 23, May 1882, alter 9 Jahr & 10 mo.
Maria A. Kaubanheimer, __ Nov 1877, age 68 years.
John, geb den 11 Oct 1813, gest den 4 Oct 1871.
John -----, Died Sept 15 1866, 1 year, 7 mo, 2 years, Sons of John and C. Leswing.
Berand, Died Sep 16, 1866, A/E 2 Yrs,-- mo., Son of John & C. Leswing
William Leswing, Died Nov 1866, age 21 years.
David H., Son of Daniel and Ann Long, Died Feb 19, 185[6]0.
Nancy [K.]H., Daughter of Daniel and Ann Long, 1848[9], 5 years.
* LINDAUER see information below
Dorothea , The frau von Bolt: Lindauer, Died Oct 30, 1872, Aged 76 yrs. 6 mo.
Dorathea Meinke, Gest 4 Nov. 1869, age 13 yrs. 6 days.
Joaghim Meinke, Geb 20 July 1823, Gest 17 Feb 1897.
Katharina Meinke, Geb 2 Mar 1825, Gest 12 Nov 1907.
Salmone, 1901, German From Alsace Loraine.
Mary Ann, wife of John D. Patison, Died Aug 24 1851, 20 years.
J.S. - Grave Marker
T.C.S. - Grave Marker
Jacob Schlosser, Apr 14, 1843, age 17 years.
Freddie G., Sohr Von Jacob and Magdalene Slemmer, Born 1871, Died 1872.
Henry H., Son of Joshua and Parmelia Smith, 1 year, 11 months.
Frederick, died about 1865 (Cavalryman in the French Army) (Information from Mr. R. Lee Snyder)
Salmone Nevinger, Died 1901 (German from Alsace - Loraine) (Information from Mr. R. Lee Snyder)
(Please send me with your email address)
John Steinbregher, Geborg 29 Marz 1818, Gentor 1872.
John Van Wey , Died July 1816 , age 72 yrs.
Mary Van Wey , wife of John Van Wey, Died November 18, 1828, Age 55 years.
Mary, Died Oct 19, 1826 , Age 78 years.
Elizabeth, Daughter of Charles and Catherine Wentz, Feb 1861, age 17 years.
(Elizabeth appears to be the daughter of this Charles and Catherine Wenz,
although her surname has a letter T in it.........Mr. J.E. Wilson).
(Please send me your email address)
Charles Wenz, Died Oct 22 1869, Age 50 years, 10 mo, 4 da.
Catherine Wenz, Died Apr 5 1885, Age 62 years, 4 mo, 16 da.
Jacob, Died Sept. 29, 1886, aged 75 years.
Johan K.A., ged 13 Jan 1813, mgest 10 April 1879, alt 64 gahr 2 mo 2.
Rosa, his wife [Jacob].
Mary Ann, Only daughter of _____ and Mary, age 1 year.
______, G.
______, wife of ?

Personal visit to the cemetery on July 26, 1998,
I found fallen and broken stones through the cemetery .
The grounds are in need of a good grooming.

And information from papers copied by Mrs. Godfrey Morgan,
Mrs James E. Wilson, Abigail Fillmore Chapter, Buffalo, NY, 19**
Papers located at the Lancaster Historical Society.

[Feb.3, 1989 ~ Forty four total headstones. twelve found upright, 14 laying on the ground.
[West - Joseph Doerfliem, East - T.M. Billiar, South - Philip Dutwiler]


* Lindauer, Dorothea , The frau von Bolt : Lindauer, Died Oct 30, 1872, Aged 76 yrs. 6 mo.
"I have received copies of information from the Evangelical Church Archives in Germany that their names were:
Georg Balthasar Lindauer, born Jan 3, 1795, and
Christina Dorothea (Steiner) born Mar 4, 1796
The church used an abbreviation of "Baltas" for his name. You had written that the tombstone on Dorothea grave was broken.
This has made me wonder if the phrase, "Frau of Bolt" is actually "Frau of Balt...." and the stone happened
to be broken after the "t". It would seem to make sense.Do you know where the stone was broken?
Also, someone I talked with told me that in the Erie County area in the 1870 times, the Germans didn't make much
effort to bury the dead in a family plot because in Germany they only rented the plot for 25 years so togetherness was not a big deal.
I have no idea if this is so, but you probably know the answer. If it is, his grave might be anywhere?
The 3 graves I would like most to locate in Erie County, all of which should be at Lancaster: :
1) Baltas & Dorothea as above, of which we already know about Dorothea
2) And, the following name of their daughter: Frederike Dorothea Lindauer born Apr 30 1831 in Germany
Frederike is named in the 1850 Census at Lancaster, but not in any after that. Also, there is no family lore about her having married.
So I assume she died sometime between 1850-1860."
.........Bob Lindauer Houston, TX lindauer@intergate.com

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