Updated: 15 February 2003
otherwise noted all listings are tombstone readings, and the
information has not been provided by any official cemetery
It is offered here as a tool to promote further research and should
not be considered as verified proof for genealogical records.
Dixon/Dinson/Van Wey Cemetery
(Dixson, Dison,
6353 Genesee Street, about 5 miles
from Bowmansville
Lancaster, Erie County, New York
1826 - 1907
Located on the south side of Genesee
west of 6353 Genesee Street, about 3/10 of a mile east of Ransom Road
and Genesee Street,
188' x 115' in size.
- In memory of Mrs. Anna
Brown, Wife of Thomas Brown, who died 6, April 1833, age 63
- Thomas Brown, Died 11 Jan.
1841, age 65 years [Anna].
- Thomas Brown ΒΈ, Son of
Thomas and Mary Brown, Died 17 July 1841 , age 2 yrs, 8 mo, 17
- E.S.C. - Grave Marker
- Esther A., wife of George
W. Davis, Died 21 Aug 1864 , aged 99 years 8 mo 11 days.
- James Dixon, Died 17 Aug
1847[8], age 84 years.
- Margaret, Wife of James
Dixon, Died Apr 12, 1842, age 55 years.
- Zuur Andenken von Jacob
Feldman, Gestort 6 Juli 1851, age 55[6] years.
- Hier Ruhet, Wilhelm Gamer,
Get 14 Aug 1826, Gest 25, Oct 1885.
- Ernstina Louisa Gamer, Geb
14 Mar 1857, Gest 18 Mar 1857.
- Abel Gay, Died June 12,
1852, age 69 year
- Mary, Wife of Abel Gay,
Died Sept. 20, 1862, age 72 year
- Mary Ann, Only daughter
of_____ and Mary, age 1 years [Abel and Mary Gay ]
- Isack Friedrick Gorenflo,
Gest 1868, Aged 61 years
- Catharina Barbara Gorenflo,
Geborg 1 Mai 1797, Gest 13 Oct 1878, aged 81 years
- Asa Greenman , Died May 24,
1856, age 69 years 9 mo 8 d
- Julius Hallet, Son of James
and Ellen Greenman, Apr 22 1857.
- Delilah, wife of Calet
Harvey, Died July 10, 1849 [0/8], age 57 years.
- Gerathna O., Daughter of
T.L. and C. Harvey, 6 years 5 mo.
- Calet Harvey, Died Oct 8,
1862, age 77 yrs.
- Barbara Heinz, Died 7, July
1879, aged 62 years.
- Richard Heinz, Died July 5,
1879, age 60 years.
- Samuel Heinz, Geborg 5, Nov
1863, Gestg 12 Dec 1866
- (Hand written note on papers -
Civil War Veteran)
- Old Section Directly In
Rear Of Church
Bernard - Civil war
- Anna, Tochto von gustau
of Elizabeth Hoffman, gest don 23, May 1882, alter 9 Jahr &
10 mo.
- Maria A. Kaubanheimer,
__ Nov 1877, age 68 years.
- John, geb den 11 Oct
1813, gest den 4 Oct 1871.
- John -----, Died Sept 15
1866, 1 year, 7 mo, 2 years, Sons of John and C.
- Berand, Died Sep 16, 1866, A/E 2 Yrs,-- mo., Son of John
& C. Leswing
- William Leswing, Died
Nov 1866, age 21 years.
- David H., Son of Daniel
and Ann Long, Died Feb 19, 185[6]0.
- Nancy [K.]H., Daughter
of Daniel and Ann Long, 1848[9], 5 years.
- * LINDAUER see information below
- Dorothea , The frau von
Bolt: Lindauer, Died Oct 30, 1872, Aged 76 yrs. 6 mo.
- Dorathea Meinke, Gest 4
Nov. 1869, age 13 yrs. 6 days.
- Joaghim Meinke, Geb 20
July 1823, Gest 17 Feb 1897.
- Katharina Meinke, Geb 2
Mar 1825, Gest 12 Nov 1907.
- Salmone, 1901, German From Alsace Loraine.
- Mary Ann, wife of John
D. Patison, Died Aug 24 1851, 20 years.
- J.S. - Grave Marker
- T.C.S. -
Grave Marker
- Jacob Schlosser, Apr 14,
1843, age 17 years.
- Freddie G., Sohr Von
Jacob and Magdalene Slemmer, Born 1871, Died 1872.
- Henry H., Son of Joshua
and Parmelia Smith, 1 year, 11 months.
- Frederick, died about
1865 (Cavalryman
in the French Army) (Information from Mr. R. Lee
- Salmone Nevinger, Died
1901 (German from
Alsace - Loraine) (Information from Mr. R. Lee Snyder)
(Please send me with your email address)
- John Steinbregher,
Geborg 29 Marz 1818, Gentor 1872.
- John Van Wey , Died July
1816 , age 72 yrs.
- Mary Van Wey , wife of
John Van Wey, Died November 18, 1828, Age 55
- Mary, Died Oct 19, 1826
, Age 78 years.
- Elizabeth, Daughter of
Charles and Catherine Wentz, Feb 1861, age 17 years.
- (Elizabeth appears to be the
daughter of this Charles and Catherine Wenz,
- although her surname
has a letter T in it.........Mr. J.E. Wilson).
- (Please send me your
email address)
- Charles Wenz, Died Oct
22 1869, Age 50 years, 10 mo, 4 da.
- Catherine Wenz, Died Apr
5 1885, Age 62 years, 4 mo, 16 da.
- Jacob, Died Sept. 29,
1886, aged 75 years.
- Johan K.A., ged 13 Jan
1813, mgest 10 April 1879, alt 64 gahr 2 mo 2.
- Rosa, his wife
- Mary Ann, Only daughter
of _____ and Mary, age 1 year.
- ______, G.
- ______, wife of ?
Personal visit
to the cemetery on July 26, 1998,
I found fallen and broken stones through the cemetery .
The grounds are in need of a good grooming.
information from papers copied by Mrs. Godfrey Morgan,
Mrs James E. Wilson, Abigail Fillmore Chapter, Buffalo, NY, 19**
Papers located at the Lancaster Historical Society.
[Feb.3, 1989 ~ Forty four
total headstones. twelve found upright, 14 laying on the
[West - Joseph Doerfliem, East - T.M. Billiar, South - Philip
- * Lindauer, Dorothea , The frau von Bolt : Lindauer, Died Oct
30, 1872, Aged 76 yrs. 6 mo.
- "I have received copies of information from the Evangelical
Church Archives in Germany that their names were:
- Georg Balthasar Lindauer, born Jan 3, 1795, and
- Christina Dorothea (Steiner) born
Mar 4, 1796
- The church used an abbreviation of "Baltas" for his name. You had written that
the tombstone on Dorothea grave was broken.
- This has made me wonder if the phrase, "Frau of Bolt" is
actually "Frau of Balt...." and the stone happened
- to be broken after the "t". It would seem to make sense.Do you
know where the stone was broken?
- Also, someone I talked with told me that in the Erie County
area in the 1870 times, the Germans didn't make much
- effort to bury the dead in a family plot because in Germany
they only rented the plot for 25 years so togetherness was not a
big deal.
- I have no idea if this is so, but you probably know the
answer. If it is, his grave might be anywhere?
- The 3 graves I would like most to locate in Erie County, all
of which should be at Lancaster: :
- 1) Baltas & Dorothea as
above, of which we already know about Dorothea
- 2) And, the following name of their daughter: Frederike Dorothea Lindauer born Apr 30
1831 in Germany
- Frederike is named in the 1850 Census at Lancaster, but not in
any after that. Also, there is no family lore about her having
- So I assume she died sometime between 1850-1860."
- .........Bob Lindauer Houston, TX
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