February 2000 Results

        Monday, February 28, 2000 RAW IS WAR
**Tag Team Title Match
X-Pac/Road Dogg vs. Dudley Boyz NO CONTEST
Dudleys set up some tables outside the ring. DX comes out to Road Dogg's music. Tori is wearing the SAME top, but at least she has accessorized with a jacket. Road Dogg and X-Pac jump in and try to ambush the Dudleys. D-Von sends X-Pac out. Modified 3-D on Road Dogg. Buh-Buh suplexes Road Dogg and knocks x-Pac off the apron. Buh-Buh wish bones Rod Dogg then punches him in the stomach. D-Von tagged in and hits an elbow on Road Dogg. Snap mare by D-Von into a submission neck breaker on Road Dogg. Road Dogg gets some rights and hits a sunset flip. Buh-Buh calling for the tag, but D-Von can't reach. Road Dogg pulls D-Von over for two. D-Von gets up and hits a clothesline and tags Buh-Buh. Buh-Buh with a series of elbows for a two. Buh-Buh and Road Dogg exchange Flair chops and Road Dogg hammers on Buh-Buh. Road Dogg into the ropes and ducks the clothesline. RD jukes and jives, but has to finish on D-Von. Buh-Buh regains his balance and levels Road Dogg. RD in the corner and hits a boot to Buh-Buh. X-Pac tagged in a hits a couple spinning heel kicks. Buh-Buh misses in the corner and X-Pac hits the bronco buster. Halfway through the move. Kane's music hits. Kane comes down and chokeslams Road Dogg, then D-Von, then Buh-Buh Ray. X-Pac has long since retreated

        Sunday, February 27, 2000 NO WAY OUT
**No Holds Barred**
X-Pac d. Kane via drop kick
Match starts off with Xpac attacking Kane to no prevail. Kane comes back with a backbreaker on Xpac. Xpac and Tori try to leave. Kane goes after them and slams Xpac into the security railing. Xpac hits Kane over the head with a trash can. Kane and Xpac fight through the crowd and then back to ringside. Kane drops Xpac neck first over the railing. Xpac hits Kane right in the face with the ring bell. Paul Bearer starts to attack Xpac. Tori makes the save then Bearer chases after her. Xpac crotches Kane on the ropes after a dropkick. Xpac then hits the bronco buster. Kane sits back up then clotheslines Xpac. Xpac drokicks Kane in the knee. Xpac takes Kane down with a sloppy back heel kick. Kane counters a spinning toe hold. Xpac hits Kane with another spinning heel kick. Kane catches Xpac coming off the top but Xpac low blows Kane to get out of it. Kane takes a x-factor then gets back up. Kane comes off the top with a clothesline on Xpac. Kane then one arm chokeslams Xpac. Tori gets in the ring and Kane gives her a tombstone piledriver. Kane grabs the ring steps but Xpac dropkicks them in his face for the pin.

        Thursday, February 24, 2000 SMACKDOWN
Road Dogg/X-Pac/HHH d. Too Cool/Rikishi via X-Factor
Grandmaster and Dogg start out. Grandmaster with a full nelson face first legsweep on that D-O-Double-G. Sexay with a dropkick to the back of Road Dogg off the middle rope. Scottie Too Hottie is tagged in, goes for the Worm but X-Pac says no to that and lays out Scottie with a spinning heel kick. Road Dogg works over Scottie as the Radicals look on from backstage. Dogg can't quite finish the juke-n-jive punches on Scottie and Scottie come flying in with a back elbow. Rikishi is tagged in, running butt smash (whatever ya wanna call it) on the Dogg, superkick for X-Pac. Triple H is in now and starts attacking Rikishi's injured ankle. Dogg comes in and delivers the wiggly wobbly kneedrop on Phatu's ankle. X-Pac is in, he kicks away at Rikishi's chest, but the kicks have no affect, X-Pac off the ropes, gets caught by Rikishi, gorilla press dropped into a neckbreaker by Rikishi, very nice. Grandmaster heads back in, powerslam on X-Pac, Scottie is back in now, bulldog, there's the Worm, crowd eats it up. Too Cool now with a double team on the Road Dogg. Triple H, meanwhile, has a chair, and as Rikishi was trying to hit the Banzai drop on X-Pac, the Game levels Phatu in the back with the chair. Too Cool with a double elbow drop on 'Pac. Outside of the ring, HHH is slamming away with the chair on Rikishi's ankle. Grandmaster misses the Hip Hop Drop on Dogg, X-Factor by 'Pac, pin for the win.

        Wednesday, February 23, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
Kane d. X-Pac via Tombstone
X-Pac jobbed and jobbed heartily in this one, he got manhandled by Kane and so did Tori. Kane won with a chokeslam and Tori got tombstoned at the finish of this match. What was funny was Paul Bearer's doing the crotch chop over the fallen DX members and then doing the Ric Flair strut right afterwards.

        Monday, February 21, 2000 RAW IS WAR
HHH/X-Pac/Big Show d. Cactus Jack/Kane/Rock via pinfall
Awesome match. HHH uses a fire extinguisher in the end on Cactus to get the pin.

        Sunday, February 20, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
The Rock/Kane d. HHH/X-Pac via Chokeslam
X-Pac hit his spinning heel kick when HHH ran in and sent Rocky face first into the mat with his usual knee to the face. However, as usual, Rocky fought back with his punches to Triple H, his samoan drop and spine buster routine. Kane was finally tagged in and landed his usual offense, the closeline from the top rope, thrusts to the throat, ect. Finish saw the rockbottom on hhh, a choke slam on x-pac and the pin. Post match saw a beat down on Torie and the Rock's babbling on the mic.

        Thursday, February 17, 2000 Smackdown
**No DQ Falls Count anywhere**
X-Pac vs. Cactus Jack NO CONTEST
Cactus hammers X-Pac right away and the match quickly spills to the outside. X-Pac whips Jack into the steps and then hammers him in the back with a chair, but Jack doesn't seem to feel it and thorws X-Pac over the announce table. Chairshot for X-Pac, pin on the floor for 2. A big "Foley" chant starts up. Back in the ring X-Pac battles back with a spinning heel kick and then follows up with a three kick combo in the corner on Cactus. Bronco Buster misses and Jack pulls X-Pac crotch first into the ringpost. The match is outside again and this time X-Pac takes the ride into the steps. Jack set himself up for the elbow from the second rope but X-Pac bailed out and ran backstage. Jack followed and X-Pac surprised him with a table to the head. X-Pac ran off again and Jack kept following him, X-Pac came out from around a corner and threw a chair into Jack's face. Finally, X-Pac lead Cactus outside into the waiting arms of DX. Hunter and the Outlaws slammed Jack around and like Kane and Bearer, tossed him into the luggage compartment of the bus. The bus then took off once again.

        Monday, February 14, 2000 RAW IS WAR
X-Pac didn't really have a big part in the show. He interfered in the main event to no avail and it was announced tonight that he will fight Kane in a no DQ at No Way Out.

        Sunday, February 13, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
The Rock/Riksihi d. HHH/X-Pac via People's elbow
Nothing spectacular about this bout but the entire arena was into this match. Everybody was standing up and chanting the Great One's name. The Rock and Rikishi worked well together and The Rock pinned HHH after the People's Elbow. After the match, Too Cool came out and started dancing with Rikishi while Rock was standing in a corner. Then we were all entertained by The Rock. He did his usual routine, said that his book is currently ranked #1 and thanked the people for buying his book. The Rock said that HHH and X-Pac were two Poontang Pies. Then he asked who was giving away poontang pie tonight and all the ladies in the crowd went wild. Then he replied "Damn, that's lot of poontang!". The Rock also came up with a new line: "Peanut butter pie."

        Saturday, February 12, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
**IC Title Match**
Chris Jericho d. X-Pac and Hardcore Holly via Lionsault
Jericho and X-Pac came out to big Pops. Holly's sucked. Great match all around. Signature moves were everywhere. X-Pac hits the X-Factor on Hardcore Holly, then went after Crash who interfered. Jericho quickly did a Lion-Sault off the second rope on Hardcore for the pin.

        Friday, February 11, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
Kane/Cactus Jack d. HHH/X-Pac via Chokeslam
Variety of moves by all men. HHH and X-Pac have the advantage earlier on, as HHH hits his jumping knee to the face and X-Pac hits some of his sweet kicks. Kane and Cactus have the advantage for the rest of the time really as Cactus beats down both men in the corner with his running knees. Cactus double arm ddts HHH. Kane gets the advantage for a while with some punches, and his high flying clothesline, which got a huge pop. Cactus is in and he manages to get Socko out and nail HHH with the mandible claw, HHH gets out with a low blow. Match ends with a pin on X-Pac after a chokeslam by Kane. In the end, they put HHH and X-Pac on top of each other in a real fruity looking position. Cactus does the people's elbow, HUGE POP. Cactus tried to tell Kane to do it as well, but he didn't understand, finally he did, and KANE DID THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW, ENORMOUS POP. Great Match. The ref pushes HHH to the ground and crotch chops him after HHH gives him grief.

        Thursday, February 10, 2000 SMACKDOWN
Kane d. X-Pac/HHH via DQ
Triple H and X-Pac worked over Kane in this match pretty well. Not much offense from Kane until the end where he was pummeling X-Pac but HHH came in and plastered the Big Red Machine with a chair that had no affect on the big guy. I think there was a chokeslam for 'Pac in there. I dunno I was halfway out on the couch people. Anyway, Tori came in and tried to hold back Kane, but Kane locked on a choke. Then, the refs swarmed the ring, but Kane took 'em all out, which was pretty cool I thought. Kane then reapplied the choke on Tori as a helpless HHH and X-Pac watched. The crowd grew louder in anticipation on Kane chokeslamming Tori, but he tossed to the mat. Seconds later, she tried to reason with him but this time he flipped her up over his shoulder and drove her down with a Tombstone Piledriver.

        Monday, February 7, 2000 RAW IS WAR
HHH/X-Pac/Benoit/Saturn/Malenko d. Cactus Jack/Rock/Rikishi/Grandmaster Sex(a)y/Scotty Too Hotty via Flying Headbutt
This match is a total free for all. Rock suplexes HHH on the ramp. Cactus takes Benoit into the crowd. Rikishi and Sex(a)y have X-Pac in the ring. Finally, things settle down and we have a 10 man tag. Sex(a)y against X-Pac in the ring. Sex(a)y hits a hangman's neckbreaker then misses an elbow. Saturn tagged in. Sex(a)y with a powerslam. Scotty tagged in. Double team on Saturn. Scotty hits a bulldog and does the worm into a fore arm drop. Scotty thrown into the ropes. Malenko kicks him. Saturn hits a double underhook suplexes and tags in Malenko. Scotty into the corner. Malenko goes for a suplex, but Scotty reverses into a reverse suplex. Rikishi tagged in. Malenko tries a sunset flip, but Malenko gets out of the way before he gets sat on. Benoit tagged into an awesome Samoan Drop. Benoit hits a Suplex on Rikishi. Benoit into the corner. Belly-to-belly by Rikishi then the big ass in the corner. Cactus Jack tagged in and assualts Chris Benoit. BANG BANG. Cactus forgets about the match and goes after HHH. Saturn and X-Pac pulled Cactus off HHH and throw him back in the ring. Cactus isolated in the corner. HHH tags in. HHH kicks Cactus down in the corner. HHH pushes Hebner. Cactus with a huge forearm on HHH, but HHH gets up. X-Pac tagged in. Swinging neck breaker by Cactus. Both guys are down. Cactus tags in the Rock. Rock goes nuts in ther corner. Drops X-Pac with a right. Spinebuster on Malenko and Benoit. Rock bottom on X-Pac. HHH breaks the count. Rikishi with a sidekick to drop HHH. Saturn with a sidekick on Rock. X-Pac goes for the Bronco buster, but misses. Sex(a)y with a legdrop from the top. X-Pac spinning heel kick on Sex(a)y. HHH tagged in. High knee on Sex(a)y. Saturn tagged in. Clothesline by Saturn. Benoit tagged in. Double clothesline then a snot rocket. Benoit with a suplex. HHH gets in the ring and tells the other team to "Suck it". Sex(a)y getting mauled in the corner behind the ref's back. HHH in with a suplex. Saturn tagged in. Hits an elbow drop then gets a two count. Sex(a)y's shirt ripped off then some stiff chops. Malenko tagged in. Double drop kick. Benoit tagged in. Double pancake reveresed into a double DDT. All three men down. Cactus tagged in. He bites Benoit's forehead. Ref didnt' see the tag. All hell has broke loose. HHH pedigree's Sex(a)y. Flying headbutt by Benoit. Cactus elbowed Benoit, but didn't stop the count. HHH and Cactus continue to go at it. All 10 guys brawling in the ring. The Outlaws come down with steel pipes. The lights go out. Paul Bearer comes out. Kane's music hits!!! Paul is back with Kane. Kane is back!!! DX and the Radicals all stare down Kane. Kane gets in the ring. Malenko goes down first. Then X-Pac, then HHH, then Road Dogg then Saturn then Gunn. Kane does his pyros. Show goes off the air.

        Thursday, February 3, 2000 SMACKDOWN
X-Pac d. Dean Malenko via X-Factor
Finally, X-Pac has some great competition. This was a reminder to how good X-Pac can be. Malenko and X-Pac go back and forth in a great technical match. Malenko gets X-Pac in the Texas Cloverleaf, but X-Pac gets the rope break. Tori gets on the apron and distracts the ref. X-Pac hits a low blow and then the X-Factor for the victory.

January 2000 Results
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