
Brief synopsis: Taylor has amnesia, is being harrassed by a mysterious girl.
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Oh yeah I have to put this in so I don't get myself in trouble. This is pure fiction, okay? You know the whole "In no way am I connected with Hanson" bit. This content is suitable for all ages, so enjoy yourselves.

[1] "What you do not know cannot hurt you...yet."
[2]"...it was like a stranger's voice to his ears."
[3]"Well, it all started two months ago..."
[4]"I've been home for two days, and already I'm getting the third degree..."
[5] "You were in a car accident. You were driving."
[6] "The avalanche of childhood made such an eardeafening noise..."
[7]"...our introduction to each other was eternal."
[8]"What's wrong? You looked like you've seen a ghost!"
[9]"She's here, Ike. Can't you feel it? Can't you feel the cold?"
[10]"Pictures on the wall...everywhere I stare"
[11]"...her spells and chants; her magick."
[12] "As dusk approached them with unforgiving speed, their efforts seemed to be done in vain."
[13] "By the end of the show, the haters had more reason to make fun of them, not to mention the disappointment in many of the fan's eyes."
[14] "Listen, I'll see you tonight when the darkness falls upon the breath of land and the inhabitants lie still in their slumber"
[15] "OH - MY GOD! I am, like, your BIGGEST fan!!"
[16] "Today was the last day of suffering."
[17] "The last thing he heard was the final screech of tires on the pavement, and glass shattering."
[18] "It dawned on him like a ton of bricks. They had found his car meshed with hers on the left side of the road. The side of the road he shouldn't have been on."
[19] "Well, you SAID you'd rather be naked...so I just granted your wish,"
[20] As his eyes grew accustomed to this new change, he realized he was actually in a large, glass, bubble.
[21] "Dude...I'm a hip and happening angel, so get used to it now, babe,"
[22] "YEAH, WHATS THE BIG....OH.....MY.....GODDDD...what DID you do to you HAIR?!"
[23] "My advice to you is to focus on Zac. He's your easy target..."
[24] "Zac's heart lodged his throat. If he didn't know better, Mackie had just described a Voodoo doll."

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