Hey! Don't be shy, come on in! This is the cave of my very own pet DRAGONS. Yep, you heard me right! I've adopted not one, but TWO of the sweetest dragons for my very own! Besides, why should Ryo and Mika be the only ones with pets?! ^_~ I even got Birth Certificates for each of them! Oh, umm... just one thing... just be careful where you step. I'm still working on the housebreaking issue with Toku.

Gold Thunder Dragon, Tokiwa Tokiwa's Birth Certificate         This here is Tokiwa. She's a very rare Gold Thunder Dragon. She helps me keep an eye on things around here and keep out any intruders. Go ahead, you can pet her if you want, she won't bite. She's very sweet and is hardly any trouble at all to take care of. ^_^

Toku's Birth Certificate Isn't Toku-chan Kawaii?!

     Now this little sleepyhead here is Toku. He was the smallest one out of the entire group and I couldn't help but to get him. Just look at him? Who in the world could resist a cute face like this?
::Toku runs and hides behind Tatsu's legs.::
     As you can see, he's very timid around new people, but don't let his shyness fool you.  He's very energetic at times and extremely curious, which seems to get him into trouble quite often, isn't that right Toku?

::Toku leaps up into Tatsu's arms, snuggling close and falls asleep::
     You are such the sleepyhead, Toku-chan! Hmm, much like a certain Ronin that I know...


There are still lots of dragons out there that are in desperate need of a place to call home.
You can find many dragons much like Toku and Tokiwa that you can adopt at
Sarina Blackmoon's Adopt a Dragon's Website.