Name: HIROSHI (Generous) MIKA (Wise Little Raccoon: Nat. Am.)
Birthday: April 23 (Taurus)
Eyes: Dark Brown (they turn black when she's really angry)
Hair: Black
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 126 lb.
Favorite Color(s): Purple & Royal Blue
Favorite Food(s): Pizza, Stir-fried zucchini and mushrooms, & General Tsuo's Chicken
Least Favorite Food(s): Cottage Cheese & Eggplant
Pet Peeves: Being called by her Japanese name "Mikazuki" (Born on the New Moon)

Armor: Dragon (calls it by that)
Color(s): Black & Dark Purple
Weapons: Dragon Blade: Katana Sword (five pointed star as guard)
Battle Cries: Dragon Slash (sure-kill power)/Raging Dragon Roar (super sure-kill power)
Special Attack Moves: Whirlwind Kick

Partner: Onyx (Black Panther)












    ::rolls her eyes and sighs as Onyx walks in behind you and leaps up onto the bed.:: Must you always sleep in 'my' bed?! Oh, hello! Welcome to my humble abode! Have yourself a seat anywhere you like and I'll tell you a bit about myself. I used to live in Yuzawa, Japan and went to Tochigowa High School with my best friend in the entire world, Asa Yoshino. I was later sent by my grandfather to the City of Toyama, where I am now living with my aunt Tori and attending Sakura No Han`a High School with the guys.

    As mentioned before, I'm only part Japanese. My father was Japanese, but my mother was African American. I was actually born in the U.S., where I lived with my loving parents. ::sighs:: Sadly, I was sent to an orphanage around the age of three after both my folks were killed in a car accident on their way home one night. I spent about two years there before my grandfather was able to locate me and take me back with him to Japan. He began training me in the martial arts and other old styles of fighting. ::smiles:: I gotta admit, he was pretty impressed on how quickly I was able to master them, including my personal favorite move I call the 'Whirlwind Kick'.

    Now, I have become the next Dragon Warrior of my family's bloodline and like my ancestors before me, I have sworn to protect the earth from the Shadow Realm and its evil ruler, the Dark Emperor. ::laughs:: Some life, huh? And here I bet you thought that you had it rough.

    Well, I guess that's it... ::giggles as Onyx looks up at her, giving of a disagreeing low growl:: Okay, okay! So that's not it entirely! It wouldn't be fair of me to end our little interview without giving Onyx his fair share of credit and all. Besides, it's not good to get on the bad side of a panther. This, my friend, is my faithful companion and protector, Onyx. He's a bit larger than a normal panther, but still not as big as ol' White Blaze. Still, saying that he's just your run-of-the-mill black panther wouldn't be right. You see, Onyx is really a representation of my fighting spirit and strengthen. He first appeared to me a while back when I called on my powers for the very first time. Since then, I haven't been able to get rid of him, isn't that right boy? ::Onyx rolls over onto his back to letting her scratch his belly:: See? What did I tell ya, he's nothing but any oversized pussycat

So, now you have a good idea about me and Onyx here.
If you wanna head on over to Asa's room it's the door right across the hallway.
Have fun and don't forget to check out all the other places around the realm!
Ja ne!



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