
Here are some Animorphs works from the web. There's fanart, poetry, and, of course, the quintessential fanfiction.

I would like to note here that I am no longer accepting any fanfic submission that is sent into my mailbox. I had several that were sent to me, and I converted them into webpages. However, they didn't make it to publishing, for reasons varying from the format they were in was totally incopatible with my webpage editing program (which is apt to freeze, black out, or do other strange things), it wasn't completed, somewhere in the transition the text attempted to HTML format itself, leaving blanks where the thought-speech should be, and the list goes on. I won't even mention the fact that most of these fanfics I didn't even care for.

So, for now on, none of the fanfiction sent in to me will be published unless it is already on this page. 

There's also a little note I'd like to add:

Jessstl has an Animorphs story chain, and needs more people to continue it on. If you're interested in it, mail her at


Rachel - by Giulianna

Pics by ~Utahraptor ;)

Manga-style Jake & Cassie     
Mean Rachel from #32 

Hork-Bajir by Anishark91

Pics by Alice:
Hork-Bajir #1
Hork Bajir #2
Hork Bajir #3

Pics by Oren:
Andalite Fighter Craft


By Me:
"Stasis" -- Somewhat related to The Controller
"Alien" --  Could apply to The Controller or the Animorphs series

"Power" -- A two-parter focused on the Animorphs
"Trapped" -- More Controller-inspired stuff :)
"Eternity" -- About Cassie and Jake, for me, but could apply to R&T

By ~Utahraptor~;)
"Why" -- A neat poem from Jake's POV.
"Excuses" -- A short, cute Marco poem.
"Soul" -- A Rachel poem-just read it.
"Alone" -- A sad poem about Cassie dying.

By Nighthuntress:
"Who Were They?" -- A sort of sad Cassie poem.

By Articuna16:
Into Your Eyes -- A sweet Cassie-Jake poem
The Words of the Tiger -- A Jake poem.
Neverland -- Cassie on Jake's death in MM3 - one of the best I've read

By Rachel:
Starlight -- Each of the Animorphs wishing on their star.

By Michela aka Falcon:
After The War --- Short poem, kind of reads like a song...neat.

By Silverhawk:
Seerow's Mistake -- Author's view of Animorphs, through the view of the title.


Fanfiction by Me:

The Controller - The Animorphs encounter human-Controllers everyday, and in every one of their missions and battles, and there are many different views and issues involving these Yeerks who have stolen a human face. This is the story of one girl who was just another of the hundred who were brought unwillingly to the Yeerk pool, and the Yeerk whose host she was, scheming against The System itself. This series is on hiatus now; I don't think I'll be writing any more chapters, at least not for the time being.

Cassandra's Children:
In the future, the Animorphs have grown up, found carrers as the war has ended, though Earth was changed forever. But a new enemy is threatening, and it is up to the next generation to save their planet and, the entire galaxy.

Prologue: Cassandra  

Fanfiction by Others:

The Minocite Chronicles by ~Utahraptor~;)
Extremely good fanfic series about  . . . well, in the words of Utahraptor: "The Yeerks have found a new weapon, and she's deadlier than ever."
Note: Rated PG-13 for violence and character death; "Revisited" rated R.
#1: The Pawn
#2: The Injection
#3: Rebirth
#4: The Gain of a Loss
#5: Revisited

Sins of the Past by ~Utahraptor~;)
A "David" fic. Rated R for detailed violence, and dark and twisted content.

The Touch by Jill:
A Jake-Cassie romance fic that takes place a while after the present day in Animorphs world. Very well-written, and very sweet.

Aftran by Goobie
This is about an alternate ending to #29: The Sickness, based on chattings in the ML I'm in. It's a short work on an interesting idea which would be another solution to the problem with Aftran. It's told in Ax's point of view.

A Moment of Humanity by Ashmoria
A very good short piece about Visser One. It's not probable, but nevertheless very well done, and you have to read it, especially if you're a Marco fan. It's also an example of a rare phenomenon in Animorphs literature: third-person!

A Conversation with the Characters by Veronica Catherine Richards
A look at the elusiveness of writing good fanfiction by a funny conversation with those hard-to-please Animorphs characters.

The Crossover by Brian Myers:
An excellent, somewhat hilarious crossover of Animorphs to Babylon 5 (which you should know by now that I like). I'd better warn you, though, if you don't know B5, this will be confusing to the extreme . . . but read it anyway.

Generations by Hillary:
In a world almost totally taken over by the Yeerks, people of all races do what they must to remain free -- and to survive.
Part I
Part II 

Brothers by Christin
Some interesting perspectives on the Animorphs war from the Ellimists' point of view.

The Dreamdeath Series by Kyla:
This is a "series" (not really a series, but it helps if you've read one before the other, etc so the name's not official),  that, while it's somewhat surreal, is also really good! All of these links will take you to the author's site.

Pure Blood by GoldenEagle
A very good series about a race of humans who departed from Earth thousands of years ago . . .

#1: Child of Fate
#2: The Realization

I Missed the Sun by Starseeker
A story about the alternate universe in MM3, about a young girl who is sent to the re-education camps. However, it is not to be confused with anything about Rachel.

The Enigma by blabover5:
A new Animorph story; don't worry, the author hasn't written himself into it! Unfortunatly, it's not finished yet, but a substantial amount is already up!

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