

 Holy Spirit
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The Holy Spirit

Lesson 1

Personality and Deity of Holy Spirit


copy of p66-72 from Knowing God , Packer

whiteboard & markers or flip pad and markers

thinking caps

verses to hand out

lab coat

3x5 cards for questions

3x5 cards for snail-mail accountability


Handout discussing the Deity of H.S.

Wear lab coat.

Bring "Thinking Caps" for everyone to wear

Explain the lesson series

Say: Series on Holy Spirit. Study who the Spirit is. Aspects of the Spirit's ministry. What we gain from the Spirit. I chose this topic because it is very important; I haven't seen it addressed anywhere lately; and I wanted to learn about it. As such, this is fairly new to me, and if I am wrong in some of my teaching, I'm sorry.

Explain the need for information as well as the applicational stuff

Say: This is mostly an informational study. We might even have to think a bit. To aid us with this potential difficulty, I've brought these handy thinking-caps, which you should all put on right now. Because it is informational, the applications may be a bit hard to see at times, but I will strive to make it relevant to your daily life. However, if the applications seem a stretch, don't worry because the following series will have more applications than you can shake a stick at.

Say: As always, I am trying new ways to effectively communicate the information. Bear with me if things seem too fast or too slow. Hopefully, I'll get it just right sometimes.

Say: Before we start, and get into various aspects of the Holy Spirit, let me suggest one thing: In the midst of all this, keep in mind that the primary work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify God (John 16:13-14) and so doing will make Christ known (1 John 4:2-3).

Select volunteer, and bring to front

Ask: How do we know they have a personality? What traits, actions, behaviors do they exhibit that show evidence of a personality?

Write traits on whiteboard.


I = intellect

A = actions

E = emotions

O = other

Pass around verses (both personality and deity) to everyone

Have everyone read their own verse quietly and determine what it tells about the H.S.

Go around

Read verse

State what they found

Write it down on whiteboard, categorize it

I = intellect

A = actions

E = emotions

O = other

D = divine

Ask : A while ago we listed traits to show evidence of our volunteer's personality. Now we have similar traits for the H.S. Is it reasonable to conclude that the H.S. has a personality?

Ask : We have these other traits here, that I marked with a "D". What do those possibly tell about the H.S.?

(give handout on deity of H.S.)

Ask : Who cares? What does it matter if the H.S. has a personality? What does it matter if the H.S. is divine?

(Personality Þ Person Þ not a force)

(Deity Þ Godhood)

Reasons for caring:

Hand out and Read passage in Knowing God p71-72

H.S. grieves over our sin Þ H.S. cares for us

Consellor Þ a person guides and leads; a force merely pushes and moves

We lost Jesus in the flesh, and we gained His spirit. Our "replacement" is of equal power, authority, divinity. This is not a "My savior left the earth and all I got is this lousy T-shirt" kind of thing.

Divine Þ unlimited Þ can serve all people

Give H.S. equal honor and attention to God and Jesus


Do not grieve the Holy Spirit

Matt 5:48 Therefore you are to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.