

 Holy Spirit
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The Holy Spirit

Lesson 5

Gifts of the Spirit

Part 2


Big list of gifts

Paper & pencils

Spiritual Gift surveys

Read these passages as group and list all gifts.

1 Cor 12:7-10; 27-31

Rom 12:4-8

Eph 4:10-11

1 Peter 4:7-11

[1 Cor 7:7-8 (singleness)]

Hand out surveys

Have everyone do them right then

Put list of gifts up before class

Go through the less obvious ones, and talk about how they might be enacted to serve the church (in general)

If people did homework from prior week, do this:

Have everyone bring out their personal skill lists, and their surveys.

Tell them to write down their survey results, their own opinion of their skills/talents/desires, and their friends' opinions.

What is repeated?

Do any of these resonate with your heart?

What perhaps (or definitely?) is your spiritual gift(s)?

Have everyone tell their ideas.

Go around, and discuss how each one might serve with their gift now.


Personality and Deity of Holy Spirit

Spirit is a Person

Spirit is God (Matt 28:18-20)

Sealing and Indwelling of Holy Spirit

Sealed with Spirit by God (Eph 1:13-14)

Mark of His authority

Pledge to our eventual and complete salvation

Spirit indwells us (all believers) continually (1 Cor 3:16)

Baptizing and Filling

Baptized into Spirit and thus into Christ's resurrection (1 Cor 12:13)

Being filled with Spirit primarily a matter of obedience to God/Spirit (Eph 5:18-21)

Gifts of the Spirit

Believers receive gift from Spirit for serving within the BODY onLoad="preloadImages('../../blank.gif','../../arrow.gif')" (1 Cor 12:11)

Needs to be exercised (1 Peter 4:10)


Do not grieve the Spirit (Eph 4:30), but walk by the Spirit (Gal 5:16).

Serve the BODY onLoad="preloadImages('../../blank.gif','../../arrow.gif')" of Christ with the gift the Spirit has given you

Be reminded that the Spirit is always with you


Deity of the Spirit

God is clearly God (by definition)

Jesus labels Himself as divine (and hence God) (Mark 2:5, John 10:30, John 11:25-27, John 6)

Jesus is labeled as divine (and hence God) (Luke 4:21-22, Acts 2:36)

Spirit does not label Himself as God

Spirit is not directly labeled as divine

Name of Spirit associates it with God & Jesus

Gen 1:2

Ex 31:3, 35:31

Nu 11:29, 24:2

Jdg 3:10, 6:34

Mt 3:16, 10:20, 12:28,

Acts 5:9

Ro 8:9, 8:9, 8:11,

1 Cor 2:10, 2:11, 3:16, 7:40,

2 Cor 1:22?, 3:3, 3:17,

Gal 3:5, 4:6,

Eph 2:22, 3:16, 4:30

Phil 1:19, 3:3

1 Pe 1:11,

1 Jn 4:2, 4:13

Labeled Holy tens of times

John 14:26

Given by God

Jn 15:26 Sent by God

Acts 2:17 Poured out by God

1 Co 2:12 Spirit is from God and was given to us

2 Co 5:5 God gave us the Spirit

2 Tim 1:7 God gave us a spirit of power

1 Pe 1:12 sent from heaven

Involved in Jesus' life

Isa 11:2 Spirit of God will rest on [Messiah]; spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, fear of the Lord

Luke 1:35 HS will come upon Mary -> Son of God

Luke 3:21-22 HS descended upon Jesus after baptism, while he was praying

Luke 4:1 Jesus was led by Spirit

Luke 4:14 Jesus returned from temptation to Galilee in the power of the Spirit

Acts 10:38 God anointed Jesus with HS

Attributes of Spirit

Gen 6:3 Spirit of God; can be at strife with man

Acts 5:3-4 Ananias lied to HS; deed was conceived in heart; Ananias lied to God

Acts 7:51 Jews were resisting the HS

Eph 4:30 do not grieve the Spirit

Heb 10:29 can insult Spirit of grace

Heb 9:14 eternal Spirit

Related to salvation

Mt 28:19 baptize in name of Father, Son, H.S.

Ro 5:5 God's love poured into us by Spirit

1 Cor 6:11 justified in the name of Jesus and Spirit of our God

Eph 1:13-17 sealed with HS of promise;

2 Thess 2:13 God chose us for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit


John 16:7-14 Jesus leaves, Helper (Spirit of truth) comes. he will convict the world of sin; guide them into truth; disclose what is to come; glorify Jesus

1 John 5:7 Spirit bears witness, because Spirit is truth

1 Cor 2:10-12 God revealed wisdom through Spirit; only Spirit knows thoughts of God

Involved in our life

Rom 8:2 we are set free from sin by law of Spirit of life

Rom 8:9 Spirit can dwell within us; don't have Spirit - you don't belong to Christ

Rom 8:14-17 all who are led by Spirit are the sons of God

Rom 8:26-27 Spirit aids us in weakness; spirit intercedes for us according to will of God

1 Cor 12:11 one Spirit works in all things (gifts)

1 Cor 2:10-12 God revealed wisdom to us through Spirit; we received Spirit

2 Cor 13:14 fellowship of HS be with you all

Gal 4:1-6 God sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts

Heb 10:15-17 HS bears witness to us

Other actions

Gen 1:2 Spirit present at formation of world

Job 26:13 by breath of God the heavens are cleared

Job 27:3 life in me == breath of God in my nostrils

Job 33:4 Spirit of God made me; breath of God gives me life

Ps 33:6 host of the heavens made by breath of God

Ps 104:30 God sends forth his Spirit (breath) and the animals are created

Ps 139:7 Where can I flee from your Spirit? From your presence?

Isa 40:13 no one has directed Spirit; He consults no one (higher than all men)

Zech 4:6 Lord does things by Spirit, not by might or power (?)

Acts 13:2-4 Holy Spirit spoke to the church to have Saul and Barnabas sent out

Acts 15:28 Jerusalem lead by HS in writing essentials to Gentiles

Acts 16:6-11 HS forbid Paul to travel to Asia

2 Tim 3:16 all scripture is inspired by God

2 Peter 1:21 men moved by the HS spoke from God

Acts 8:29 Spirit spoke to Philip

Acts 10:19-21 Spirit spoke to Peter

Jesus compares H.S. ministry to His own ministry. (John 14:16-17) (Boice 115)

John 14:16 "another Helper"

another = allos which in Greek means "another just like the first one"

Jesus promises a helper like Himself. Jesus is divine. Herego, H.S. is divine.

(Boice 378)