USFWS photo by John Oberheu



The Key Deer
Odocoileus virginianus clavium


After seeing these fragile and delicate creatures in the keys,

their fate is of an even more personal nature now.

They roam with little fear through yards and grassy areas where 

they graze on their favorite food of mangrove, as well as other

not so digestible plant life and are treasured by most of the locals.

The encroachment of civilization on their already small habitat,

along with traffic and dogs are the major threats to the deer numbers.

Population stability for the endangered key deer may be difficult to

achieve however, because speed reduction, seen as the most

effective way to stop the road deaths, will not be popular

in an area with extremely heavy tourist traffic year round.


Learn more about the tiny Key Deer:


The Key Deer

Key Deer Research Project

GORP - National Key Deer Refuge

Florida's Key Deer on the Rebound

The Key Deer Through the Eyes of a Child

National Key Deer Refuge - Wildlife Viewing

Florida Keys Parks and Beaches - Key Deer Refuge

CNN - Growing Human Population Rivals Endangered Key Deer






Walking with the Alligators

Write to gator woman







later gator~


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Last edited January 7, 2009

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