Sandhill Crane photos credit:
Florida Sandhill Cranes
The Florida Sandhill Crane is one of 2 Crane species in Florida the other being the spectacular Whooping Crane. These two Cranes are the only ones in North America. We have two kinds of Sandhills here in Florida, resident and migratory.
Go here to hear the Sandhill Cranes squawk:
The Sandhills normally have 2 babies, but rarely do both survive. They mate for life as many other great birds do and care for their young together. Their life span is about 24 years.
As these magnificent birds often fly directly over homes in central Florida, their squawking in a bugle sound announcing their presence quite loudly, Their sounds can actually be heard for several miles away. The Florida Sandhill Cranes are the largest of all, weighing about 11 pounds.
Most of the time, they head straight for the cow pasture nearby to consume one of their favorite foods, cattle grains. Sometimes they stop in the field across the street from us and carry on for a bit making sure everyone has noticed them.
The Cranes are often spotted in fields along County Road 42, just outside Paisley and are usually in pairs. An exception recently was when 3 of them were observed near the Paisley Post Office parking lot in what appeared to be a battle between 2 males for a female.
The Cranes fly in a breath taking formation, demanding full attention as they pass over on their way to a favorite dining place. Hopefully, these beautiful, graceful birds will always be here in the Ocala National Forest in Central Florida for us to enjoy.
An excellent place to learn more about Florida birds is: The Great Florida Birding Trail
Sandhill Crane photos credit:
Places to learn more about the Sandhill Cranes:
The International Crane Foundation - Species Sandhill
The Natural History of the Sandhill Cranes
Walking with the Alligators Write to gator woman
Last edited January 11, 2009 Copyright © 2000 - 2009 All rights reserved. |