Evil VS. Evil: Britney and Christina |

The pop world has gone too far. When no one thought it could get any worse, it was discovered that Christina Aguilera, little miss "Pop Angel", was into rock music. Or maybe it was just because her crush was in it. As quoted from Circus Magazine - "Christina Aguilera says she's tired of her teen-pop image. She'd like to record a duet with KoRn or Limp Bizkit. 'I would love too!' raves the 19-year-old. 'Can I tell you? Just doing something off-the-hook with Fred Durst would be really cool....POP MUSIC IS WHAT I LISTEN TO LEAST....I NEVER WANT TO BE A STRAIGHT POP ARTIST MYSELF.' " JEEZ CHRISTINA, IF YOU HATE POP SO MUCH, GO DO SOMETHING ELSE!!!! ... OH WAIT... YOU ACTUALLY NEED TALENT AND NOT A BUNCH OF GUYS HANGING THEIR TONGUES OUT WHENEVER THEY SEE YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL ANYWHERE ELSE. I GUESS IF YOU WANT MONEY YOU'D BETTER STAY WHERE YOU ARE. Now then, both Britney and Christina have a problem. Actually all pop girls seem to. They all seem to get implants. Or if not, they do SOMEthing. Take Britney: Britney claims, in an interview with Teen People that her chest grew because of a 20-pound weight gain. But then wouldn't she have a big ass to match? I mean she does, but we're talking unproportionally. And in two weeks...whatever... . And Christina too. And Jessica Simpson didn't do anything noticeable but most people aren't skinny and really big chested. Will Mandy be next???
From flat ... 
To blown-up balloons 
Pop is just flakey. Let's consider the possibilities: Britney, Christina, J.C., and Justin were all from the Mickey Mouse Club. And god knows who else. What was that place trying to run... a pop-star making factory?! And everyone except Christina's from the South - Britney (Louisiana), Mandy (Florida), Jessica (Texas), Joey (well originally a New Yorker like me >;o)> ), J.C., Justin, Lance, BSB's (Kentucky, Florida, and ok Nick's from NY but he moved to Florida... thanks Jaime for correcting me), Hanson (Oklahoma)... okay I think that's enough. And what does this say? That people from the North have no talent? ...No, it means that Northerners make up for the Micky Mouse Club with the stuff the teenies are lacking: brains. I think that's self-explainitory. |
Another thing... in Teen People Magazine, how in the world did Christina get into the "Hottest 25 under 25"? And Mandy did too. What is that? Heck, they all did. I think the system was rigged. I also think it should've been renamed to "Sluttiest 25 Under 25". Then I could understand why they were in there. I mean, did you see anyone halfway respectible there? I mean Christina's top... blue sequins... I don't know what to say about that, except "The whore needs help". They're all fake blondes with color contacts and implants. It was great when Eminem dissed Britney and Christina in "The Real Slim Shady". It was so cool how he dressed up as Britney; he looked better in that outfit than she did! Besides, they all deserve to die anyway... And the constant "Crushes": Britney - Justin Timberlake Christina - Carson, Fred Durst, Eminem, Enrique, and some dancer dude Jessica - Nick Lachey <--- but at least she's with one guy at a time Mandy - Christian Burns from BBMak. Geeze Mandy get a friggen life. But then again ugly pop nuts stick together. BRITNEY AND JUSTIN ENGAGED???? ... I don't think so. Britney doesn't understand what commitment is. She just wants to sleep with him! |