A kiss-off from Brit
Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera are starting the year off right - at each other's throats.
Pop's Punch and Judy square off for another round as Britney recalls a club encounter with her nemesis.
You'll have to imagine the aggrieved Valley Girl tone as you read the following:
"I haven't seen her in two years, and then she comes up to me in a club in front of all these people and tries to put her tongue down my throat," an agog Spears recounts in the January issue of Blender magazine.
"I say: 'It's good to see you,' and she goes, 'Well, you're not being real with me.'"
Spears says: "I was like, 'Well, what's your definition of being real? Going up to girls and kissing them after you haven't seen them for two years? ... You know what, Christina, you're scary and I feel really dark when I get around you. ... [You called me] a lost girl? I think it's the other way around.'"
Now, now, Brit. Rein in that tongue! WE'RE SITTING ON A GOLD MINE HERE -- LINKS!! Be sure to look at the links at the bottom too. There are just too many to post individually. WHAT, BRITNEY HAVE BRAIN CELLS?
Probably a false alarm. But anyway, this site offers an interesting paradox: could there be a world where Britney and that fabulous subject called semiconductor physics peacefully coexist and live in harmony? BRITNEY PORN?
Here are some risqué pictures of Britney from Elle Magazine and Rolling Stone... oh, she's a great role model for the children. If you're easily offended by partial or suggestive nudity, or you just don't want to go blind, don't click. THE TEMPTATION IS JUST TOO GREAT PISSY BRITNEY? A WEE BIT LOONEY?
Don't discount it:
...and our friends at Harvard University agree! Read a review by people who actually have a brain, unlike Britney. BRITNEY WAS STOOD UP BY BRITAIN'S PRINCE WILLIAM
Title says it all... but check here for details! From BUSTED! from the National Enquirer: 21-year-old Backstreet Boy Nick Carter was arrested after an incident at a Tampa, Florida nightclub this week. Carter was charged with a misdemeanor count of resisting/opposing a police officer without violence, and was eventually released on his own recognizance. Cops were called to the nightclub to restore order after a fight broke out. According to the police report, Carter became involved in an argument with an unidentified woman, and was told to leave the club over 10 times. Finally, officers informed Carter that he had until "the count of 3" to vacate the premises or he would be arrested. Apparently, the count came and went with Carter still embroiled in the argument. Cops handcuffed him and put him in the back of a squad car. "I truly believe my celebrity motivated the officer to arrest me," Carter said in a statement. "I am certain that after a full investigation of the facts my name will be cleared." Carter is due to appear in court on March 4. CHRISTINA IN XXX TAPE SHOCKER from Christina Aguilera has reportedly fallen foul of an ex-lover with a hidden camera - who filmed a steamy sex session with the star. The Genie In A Bottle singer is now suffering the indignity of having the "graphic" tape circulated around Los Angeles, according to American magazine Us Weekly. They state, "A guy from Los Angeles is going around bragging about being with Christina and showing his friends the tape. It was taken months ago of her getting hot and heavy with him. It's pretty graphic. There's a good chance that Aguilera didn't even know she had a starring role." (thanks to Mickey)
EVERYONE'S HELP IS NEEDED It seems that Britney Spears has signed up to be in the third Austin Powers film. What can you do to help keep her out of it? Let your voice be heard; it's for a great cause! VMAs 2001 This is funny... there was a guy interviewing singer Cheryl Crow right after the awards ceremony. He asked her what she liked and she went through a few things then said she liked the snake and how the snake was wonderful (referring to Britney's act). Then the guy asked her, "And did you think Britney was wonderful too?" and Cheryl just moved right along and didn't regard his question. She started talking about how she liked the whole set up. Ha Ha in your face Britney! (Thanks to Becca for this info) OUT WITH THE OLD... Total Request Live on MTV recently decided to induct Britney, Christina, and Backstreet Boys into their "Retiree Hall of Fame". Like they really need any more awards. Doesn't it make sense thought that once they're inducted to a "Retiree" hall of fame that their careers should be retired? ...Just a thought THE EPITOME OF EVIL I saw the Pepsi commercial with Britney Spears today, and it was the scariest (and longest - how ironic) thing I have ever seen. I think I've gone blind! Ahh, help! JUST A RANDOM NOTE: Has anyone else noticed that in several teen magazines (Seventeen, YM, etc.) Mandy seems to be on every other fricken page? Either with some sort of product endorsement or something else annoying. Rrrrrrrrrrr! ...Although I do enjoy the one where she's advertising hair dye. Ha ha. THE MOST DISTURBING NEWS... EVER Get ready for the apocalypse: the Church of England is hailing Britney as a saint. The Church called her "a great ambassador for virginity" (yeah whatever...). Fortunately, the Church of England's "saint" designation is not official - a person cannot become a saint until they are officially canonized and recognized as someone who has led an exceptionally holy life. The only way she's connected to God is by being the daughter of Lucifer. End of story. CAMERA SHOT Anyone see Britney's new video? Like, EWWWWWWWW! CONFESSION OF THE WEEK Okay, I'll admit I sort of like the new song by Ricky Martin and Christina Aguilera (the evillest pair on earth). Maybe two wrongs can make a right? By the way, Christina has twelve piercings, including her nose. Um ok Christina. Even though her singing "ability" may be improving, that DOES NOT make her a good role model for the little children. She is still BAD, BAD, BAD! (Ricky too). BRIT THE HYPOCRITE A girl who went to one of Britney's concerts and had backstage passes asked Britney, "Can I please have your autograph?." Britney said, "No, I don't give autographs to bitches like you."(!) Goes to show how much of a bitch Britney really is. (Thanks to Starrz2001 for this one) SHOCKED BY GAG-ULARA When Christina Aguilera had her concert down at Virginia Beach she shocked the fans twice by sticking her middle finger up at them for about 1 minute. The fans left without an autograph from her. When everyone left she felt really bad but then she got interveiwed and her manger asked if she would ever do that again. Christina said, "Yes if i had the chance." What a crackpot! (Thanks to Amanda for this one)
MAD-ONNA In New York Magazine, Madonna was shown wearing a shirt that had 'Britney Spears' printed on the front. WTF??!!! UPDATE: On VH1, there was an interview with Madonna and she was asked why she was wearing a Britney shirt. Madonna replied, "Because she may be the Queen of Pop now, but unlike her, Madonna will be around forever." Nice going, Madonna! CELEB DEMANDS Well this isn't exactly news, but it sure is shocking: damn straight CHRISTINA HAS NO HEART On Z100, they recently read a letter sent to them about Christina on the air. Christina was spotted in a restaurant in Manhattan by a man who was eating there too. He waited until she finished eating, and then went up to her to ask for her autograph. The autograph was for a little girl who had recently lost her mother, and it would be her first Christmas without her. It would be a very special gift that would cheer her up. But Christina said that she "only signs autographs at concerts" (which by the way is not true, she was seen on television signing autographs all over) and she and her bodyguards left quickly, pushing the man aside. That is one of the most awful things Christina could do. Z100 seems to be boycotting her music now. Shouldn't we do the same? Don't by that bitch's music!!!
A TALL TALE So what IS Mandy's actual height? A few months ago on MTV Mandy claimed she was 5'10. Then a month later in Seventeen Magazine she stated she was 5'9. Oh my gosh, did she shrink? Or did she wear smaller heels ... and she's actually 4'11??? It would be really funny if she shrunk. I'm kinda hoping that's the case... muahahahaha... MANDY'S UNORIGINALITY Ok this is kinda old but for people who don't know: Mandy Moore's first song was called "Candy" (well duh most people know that I think). In the '60s there was a lady named Mandy Rice-Davies who was involved in a political scandal. She moved from England to Israel and opened a nightclub called "Mandy's Candy". Sounds familiar, hmmm? ....Hmmm...
WHAT A PUNK On MTV news in October, Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit said about his VMA duet with Christina, "I want that girl... I don't like the kind of music she sings at all, but I did it all for the nookie." Ok first of all what the heck was going through his head. On the "Diary of Christina Aguilera", Christina said in response, "He didn't get any nookie, really. Doesn't he wish!" Um lol that's funny. All that's left to say is, if Fred doesn't get his act together soon, he'll have a place on my site... and it won't be in the cool music section.
CHRISTINA'S SONG: "Cum On Over, Baby" Yes, I spelled it right. 'Nuff said. CURSED! I just found out that the vice principal in my school (I think that's who it was) was superintendant at the school in Pennsylvania where Christina Aguilera attended and he personally knew her. Now if that isn't scary I honestly don't know what is. VMA AWARDS First off, what the hell was Britney wearing? Like, anything? Jeez she is so screwed up. She should be banned from Earth forever and forced to live on Venus where she'll die from gas poisoning. However, I am especially outraged at Christina. She has got to be the biggest bitch to ever walk the planet. First off, when she and Britney (them together???) were making a presentation or something and talking about performers and Britney mentions Eminem, Christina mumbles "uh... yea...whatever let's move on". What a wannabe. Next, what was up with Fred Durst suddenly jumping up on stage??? I mean i could sorta see last year's Britney-and-NYSNC thing, but god of all people Fred jumps up there! I have just lost all respect for him. Wes is my new favorite Bizkit. Well lastly I saw something where Christina was talking about her hair and was insisting that she loves the red stripes and plans to keep it. This is actually what she wanted to say: "The red streaks are natural, just like my hair extentions". Will the real idiot please stand up?
NO HABLO ESPANOL On Pop-Up Video on VH1 they said something great about Christina that i just had to include: "Christina is planning to create a Spanish album... but she has to learn Spanish first" Why not create one in Uzbekistani while you're at it, eh Chrissy? BRITNEY ENDORSING PRODUCTS??? ...Evidently, yes. A few days ago the news did a story about her. Clairol, for instance, says that sales in hair dye have boomed since they had Britney's picture put on the front of the box. But, who would want Britney Hair?? Are 5-year-olds going blonde?? Geeze. Anyways, its the same thing with the polaroid camera. What will be next, her own line of bubble gum??... oh wait, that did happen. I think she's trying to take over the world. And as if she didn't have enough money anyways. The news story also said that Backstreet Boys, etc were doing the same kindof 'sell stuff' gig. I think they should all be arrested before it's too late. NO GUSTAMOS A 98 DEGREES Is it some kind of joke? 98 Degrees turned Latin? Not after seeing their new video. I don't even know if that's legal, doing "Latin" music I mean. Ughhh well they just ruined themselves. "SHE'S SO BITCHY, SHE'S A WHORE BUT SHE CRIES CRIES CRIES WHEN SHE CAN'T GET WORK..." Another selfish brat trying to pass off something as her idea and get credit for it. Britney says about the song 'Lucky': "I co-wrote it". Right. She can't sing, so what makes her think she can write. Of course the songwriter came up with the song and Britney's like "Yeah well you know being a star isn't all glamour". Well Britney a lot of us would like to be gagillionaires like you so you should just shut up now. Besides everyone knows she's lying, she didn't write it. Also, I mean she's just plain ugly but she's uglier (that possible???) when she's dressed as herself in the video than when she's the 'movie star' she's playing. Why would someone opt to be ugly is beyond anything comprehensable. I think she should be in jail. BRITNEY THE KLUTZ In a recent magazine article I read an interview with Britney about her 'Oopz I Did It Again" video. In it, she said that her red vinyl jumpsuit made her look fat (no kidding) so she had to put fake boobs into the suit. They kept falling down so she had to have them sewn in. She said she sweated so much that streams of sweat were pouring down her arms (um, ew). Also a metal piece of the camera fell on her head during the shoot! Ha ha ha what a sucka. BRITNEY'S BLOW-OFF From and verified by Conan O'Brian: "Britney Spears' summer tour is the hottest thing going, except in Denver. Apparently, the Red Rocks Amphitheater is too small for her ego - I mean stage show. Seeing how Britney doesn't play an instrument or anything, she's turned this tour into a show of Vegas-like proportions, including oversized props and a set made to look like a bedroom. It's so big, it wouldn't fit on the Denver stage and instead of shrinking it to fit, she cancelled the show. Do we really need all that? What would most of her fans rather see - Britney scaled down or no Britney at all? I don't think any of them would be disappointed that they didn't get to see her duet with a giant teddy bear - that's what Ice Capades is for. Now nine thousand screaming Colorado fans won't get to see her at all. Red Rocks was big enough for the Beatles, U2 and even sucky John Tesh. If she had any talent in the first place, maybe she wouldn't feel such a need to compensate." HAHAHA SHE'S SUCH A LOSER! WELL IT'S NOT LIKE THE NOW EX-FANS WERE MISSING ANYTHING...