I had the opportunity to interview Ms. Aguilera while she was filming her 3rd video, 'I turn to you'. Me: Thank you for having me here. Christina: Well, you know I do what I can. *Giggle* Me: So what is this video going to be about? C: You know, lots of stuff. *fiddles with hair* Me: Okay. Well what is the intended main message in the video? C: Um, like, whatever my director says. I don't really know. Me: But you are almost done filming it, right? C: We would be, if you'd go away and let me finish. Me: Ew! (Bitch) C: All I know is there's some big round microphone thingie and I'm lip synching ... I mean I'm singing into it. Me: Right... Well anyways, you do realize that your song sounds very similar to one from the 80's... C: What? That long ago? I'm not that old! How should I remember something when I wasn't born yet? Me: Okay Christina whatever. So um... how do you feel about Eminem. C: Oh, he's so cute I love him! Me: You do realize he's married... C: What? The bastard! I'll kill his wife so he can have me! Me: Okay, that's nice. Just lay off, Christina. So, I hear you're thinking of making a Spanish Album. C: Like, yeah! *twirls hair around finger* Me: But your mother's Irish and you haven't seen your father since you were six, so what connection do you feel to being Hispanic? C: My name, duh. Me: Yes well you dye your hair bleach blonde and wear blue contacts so that doesn't make you look too hispanic. C: Yeah, but the layers of slutty make-up do! Me: You said it best. Um... nice shirt. C: Thanks. It's my favorite. Me: It says "Porn Star" on it. C: Yeah I know. I hang out at the Playboy Mansion every weekend. It's my future carear for when I retire. Me: Hmm. Do you think you could retire now? C: I would, but I haven't finished my quest yet for world domination. Sorry and all.

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I also had a chance to interview Britney (oh joy) on the set of her video, 'Oops I Did It Again'. Me: Hello Britney. Britney (jerking her head and looking very suspicious): You didn't just talk to that brat Christina did you? If you did, you'll have to take a shower before you can talk to me. That copying bitch has cooties! Me: Okay you may want to take your own advice on the shower thing. And no, I talked to Christina a few days ago. Don't worry. B: Okay, go on then. Me: So, Brit - may I call you Brit? - what is this video going to be about. B: Oh, you know, stuff... Me: Hey, that's exactly what Christina sa... B: DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT NAME AROUND ME!!! Me: Okay, sorry sorry. Back to you (sheesh). So anyways, what will you be wearing in the video? B: What I'm wearing right now. Me: God, I hope your kidding. B: Nope. I love red vinyl jumpsuits. Especially tight ones. Me: Okay. Will the hair extentions also be part of it? B: Well, like, yeah! If you would watch the 'Making the Video' of it you'd like know! I directly refer to them! Me: Um, you do realize people may actually watch that. It's going on something called Tel-e-vis-ion. B: Oh my god! You mean that thing I used to watch at home! Oh no! Now everyone will know about my hair extentions and my boob job... Me: ??? B: Oopz, I don't think I was supposed to say that last part. Is this going on TV too? Me: No, Brit. Just a website. B: Oh good. Me: People look at those too, Brit. B: Oh crap. Me: Okay well it's been nice talking to you I'll watch your video when it comes out. B: Oh crap. Me: Well okay I guess I'll go now. B: Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Me: Geeze, I guess her batteries are giving out, she's stuck. Maybe I can find a nice box to put her in... |