I am Kung Fu Master.
I like to be in control of myself. I dislike crowds, especially crowds containing people trying to kill me. Even though I always win, I prefer to avoid fights if possible. What Video Game Character Are You? |
 Red: 22/100 Blue: 10/100 White: 10/100 Yellow: 3/100
Take the Color Code Test by Dano

All ducks aren't sweet and innocent and you prove that. You have a nasty streak.
Find your inner rubber ducky.That's so funny... the MP5 is my favorite gun (and very fun to use... hehehe). 
 Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

Which of Henry VIII's wives are you?
this quiz was made by the groovtastic ghouls at Spookbot Captain Jack Sparrow helps you get your horn on! Boys in eyeliner = heaven for you! Drinks all around!
What Character from Pirates of the Caribbean Serectly Fancy? brought to you by Quizilla
Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?
 You're a rabid Jack Sparrow fan. You love his khol, drunken manner, and all around sexiness, but you take it a little *too* far
Are you a rabid Pirates of the Caribbean fangirl? brought to you by Quizilla
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
 -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and creativity, and usually are highly intelligent. Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
The ULTIMATE personality test brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He emerged from his own ashes, to be forever immortal."
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl (Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum (Egyptian).
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life, the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined individual. You tend to keep your sense of optomism, even through tough times and have a positive outlook on most situations. You have a way of looking at going through life as a journey that you can constantly learn from. Phoenixes are the best friends to have because they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss that never lessens and always blows your partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Which Family Guy character are you?
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla