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Return Birding North Sulawesi

RT005:Birding Lore Lindu National Park 6 Days/ 5 Nights


Day 01 :  Arrival Transfer Palu - Kamamora

Upon arrival at Mutiara airport, Palu – capital of central Sulawesi, meet your guide.  Transfer to Kamamora by Four Wheeled Jeeps.  Overnight at Kamamora guest house (very basic accommodation – 1000 m above sea level).

In the afternoon, birding around the guest house complex.

Target of birding: Pale-headed Munia (e), Isabelline Bushhen (e), Lemon-bellied White-eye (e).  Before dinner, we’ll try to find Sulawesi Masked Owl (e). Note: Palu – Kamamora 2 hours drive by four wheeled vehicle.


Day 02: Birding Lore Lindu Park (Kamamora – Anaso)

05.00 am depart for Birding.
Target of birding: Ochre-bellied Boobook (e), Bay Coucal (e), Ashy Woodpecker (e), Piping Crow (e), Rufous-throated Flycatcher (e), Yellow-vented Whistler (e), Sulawesi Crested Myna (e), and Grey-sided Flowerpecker (e), Rufous-bellied Eagle, Black Eagle.  Lunch served in the park.  Late afternoon birding:Sulawesi Serpent-eagle, Grey-cheeked Green Pigeon (e),  Grey-headed Imperial Pigeons (e), White-shouldered Triller (e).


Day 03: Birding Mt. Nokilalaki

Depart early morning at 04.00 am.

Target of birding: highland species.

Golden-mantled Racquet-tail (e), Pygmy Cuckoo-shrike (e), Mountain Tailorbird, Sulawesi Leaf Warbler (e), Island Verditer Flycatcher, Little Pied, Blue-fronted (e), and Mangrove Blue Flycatchers, Rusty-bellied Fantail (e), Ivory-backed Wood-swallow (e), Scarlet Honeyeater, Chestnut-backed Bush-warbler (e), Mountain White-eye, and Streak-headed Dark-eyes (e).

Day 04: Lake Tambing 
Depart 05.00 am. 
Pacific Black Duck, Yellow-and-green Lorikeets (e) Malia (e), Fiery-browed Starlings (e), and Lesser and Greater Sulawesi Honeyeaters (e), Mangrove Blue Flycatchers,

Great Shortwing, Purple-bearded Bee-eaters, Heinrich’s (Satanic) Nightjar (e). Sulawesi Flycatcher, Grey-streaked flycatcher. Sulawesi Goshawk (e), Small Sparrohawk (e).


Day 05: Lore Lindu Highland (Tongoa area)
Target of birding (in the highlands): Jerdon’s Baza, Sulawesi Serpent-eagle (e), Brown Cuckoo-dove, Ornate Lorikeet (e), Large and Small Sulawesi Hanging parrots (e), Blue-backed Parrot, Yellow-billed Malkoha (e), Purple-winged Rollers (e), Knobbed Hornbills (e), Piping Crow (e), Sulawesi Babbler (e), Mountain Tailorbird, Ashy Woodpeckers, Hair-crested Drongo, Grey-sided Flowerpecker (e), and White-necked Myna (e), Black-billed Koel (e),  Sulawesi Dwarf Hornbill (e), Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpecker (e). Red-eared fruit Dove (e), Fiery-browed Starling (e) Caerulean Cuckoo-Shrikes (e),  Sulawesi Drongos (e), Sulawesi Thrush (e), and Yellow-flanked Whistler (e). Sombre Pigeon (e) Purple-bearded Bee-eaters (e). Sulawesi Crested Mynas.


Day 06: Lore Lindu Park – Palu – Manado

Birding at 05.00 am.

Birding target: Pied Cuckoo-Shrikes, Chestnut-backed Bush Warbler, Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpeckers, Great Eared Nightjar, Sulawesi Masked Owl (e), Ochre-bellied Boobook, Isabelline Bushhen. 

After breakfast drive back to Palu for the flight to Manado.

Arrive in Manado, check in at hotel/ resort around Manado.


Hornbill Maleo Plover Minivet

Check list of birds based on 2 months survey and data collected from the local birders.


Last modified:Wednesday, July 02, 2003                      

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